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Last Update 10/1/2024 7:10 PM
About Oreoluwa Adebayo
Oreoluwa Adebayo is a Senior Data Analyst at Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government based in Louisville, Kentucky. Previously, Oreoluwa wasa Data Assistant at University of Louisville and also held positions at National Population Commission, Budget Rent a Car, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Redwire, Edo state Government, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Agency for the Control of AIDS, Shell. Oreoluwa received a Master's degree degree from African institute of Geospatial Information Systems and Technology.Read moreOreoluwa Adebayo Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Oreoluwa Adebayo
Oreoluwa Adebayo is a Senior Data Analyst at Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government based in Louisville, Kentucky. Previously, Oreoluwa was a Data Assistant at University of Louisville and also held positions at National Population Commission, Budget Rent a Car, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Redwire, Edo state Government, Bill & Melinda Ga... Read More