Ong Tjan

Co-Founder at Bank Sahabat Sampoerna

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About Ong Tjan

Ong Tjan is a Co-Founder at Bank Sahabat Sampoerna based in Jakarta, Jakarta.Explore more

Ong Tjan Current Workplace

Bank Sahabat Sampoerna

2019-present (5 years)

Founded in 1990, Bank Sahabat Sampoerna (Bank Sampoerna) has 13 branch offices spread across Indonesia which are supported by the ATM Prima network and phone and internet banking services, and also through business synergy with Koperasi Mitra Sejati. Bank Sampoerna is focused on serving the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) segment in Indonesia. The banks head office is located in Sampoerna Strategic Square, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Org Chart - Bank Sahabat Sampoerna






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ong Tjan

What company does Ong Tjan work for?
Ong Tjan works for Bank Sahabat Sampoerna as Co-Founder
What is Ong Tjan’s role in Bank Sahabat Sampoerna?
Ong Tjan’s role in Bank Sahabat Sampoerna is Co-Founder
What is Ong Tjan’s email address?
Ong Tjan’s email address is o***
What is Ong Tjan’s business email address?
Ong Tjan’s business email address is o***
What is Ong Tjan’s direct phone number?
Ong Tjan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ong Tjan’s work phone number?
Ong Tjan’s headquarters phone number is +62 2157951234
Which industry does Ong Tjan work in?
Ong Tjan works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Ong Tjan’s peers at other companies?
Ong Tjan’s peers at other companies are Ted Haddad, Akbar Thobhani, Hu Gavin, Angela Webb, Gilad Oren.
Who are Ong Tjan’s colleagues?
Some of Ong Tjan’s colleagues are Firzie Ravasia, Sheren Octaviona, Margareta Dea Yosiana Pramono, Steffina Oktavianti.
How can I contact Ong Tjan?
Ong Tjan contact details: Email address: o*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ong Tjan?

Ong Tjan is a Co-Founder at Bank Sahabat Sampoerna based in Jakarta, Jakarta.... Read More

Where is Ong Tjan based?
Ong Tjan works for Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, located at Indonesia
Who is Bank Sahabat Sampoerna’s Co-Founder?
Bank Sahabat Sampoerna's Co-Founder is Ong Tjan
See more information about Ong Tjan

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