Omid Kianian

Chief Operating Officer at Soren Construction

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Omid Kianian Work Experience Summary

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About Omid Kianian

Omid Kianian is the Chief Operating Officer at Soren Construction based in Rockville, Maryland. Previously, Omid was the Project Manager at Soren Construction.Explore more

Omid Kianian Current Workplace

Soren Construction

2019-present (5 years)

Established in 2000. Remodeling: Bathroom and kitchen makeovers, additions, porches, Painting (interior/exterior), tile repairs, caulking, windows and doors, drywall repairs, and other maintenance projects. Plumbing: Repairs or replacement of faucets, toilets, garbage disposals, water line leaks, drain cleaning, water heaters, well pumps, water treatment, water and sewer mains, gas lines, and more. Electric: Lighting fixtures, outlets, phone lines, computer and cable lines, exterior lighting, heavy-ups, and more. Cooling/Heating Repairs or replacement of heat pumps, condensers, coils, filters, gas furnaces, hot water boilers, radiators, warm floors, electrostatic filters, humidifiers, and more. A HVAC Maintenance Agreement is also available. No matter how big or small the job is, we're here for you until the end. Soren Construction services customers in the Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC area with an expertise in Remodeling, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or all-around handyman workSee more

Omid Kianian Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager

Soren Construction


Org Chart - Soren Construction

Chief Operating Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omid Kianian

What company does Omid Kianian work for?
Omid Kianian works for Soren Construction as Chief Operating Officer
What is Omid Kianian’s role in Soren Construction?
Omid Kianian’s role in Soren Construction is Chief Operating Officer
What is Omid Kianian’s email address?
Omid Kianian’s email address is o***
What is Omid Kianian’s business email address?
Omid Kianian’s business email address is o***
What is Omid Kianian’s direct phone number?
Omid Kianian’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Omid Kianian’s work phone number?
Omid Kianian’s headquarters phone number is (301) 655-0818
What is Omid Kianian’s latest job experience?
Omid Kianian’s latest job experience is Project Manager at Soren Construction
Which industry does Omid Kianian work in?
Omid Kianian works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Omid Kianian’s peers at other companies?
Omid Kianian’s peers at other companies are Megan Ryan, Justin Humke, Daniel Radabaugh, Hagar Ali, Steven Allison.
How can I contact Omid Kianian?
Omid Kianian contact details: Email address: o*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Omid Kianian?

Omid Kianian is the Chief Operating Officer at Soren Construction based in Rockville, Maryland. Previously, Omid was the Project Manager at Soren Construction.... Read More

Where is Omid Kianian based?
Omid Kianian works for Soren Construction, located at United States
Who is Soren Construction’s Chief Operating Officer?
Soren Construction's Chief Operating Officer is Omid Kianian
See more information about Omid Kianian

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