
Omer Enaam

Managing Director at Deloitte

Omer Enaam Email & Phone number


(714) ***-****

Omer Enaam Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Omer Enaam Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Omer Enaam

Omer Enaam is a Managing Director at Deloitte based in London, Greater London. Omer received a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences and a Master of Science from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences.

Omer Enaam Current Workplace


2008-present (17 years)

Deloitte, provides audit, consulting, tax, and advisory services to brands worldwide. Deloitte serves many Fortune 500 as well as private and middle market companies. Deloitte is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

Omer Enaam Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Computer Science

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Master of Science

National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Org Chart - Deloitte

Omer Enaam

Managing Director

Recent News About Omer Enaam

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    BURSTON, Eileen Edith November 7, 1924 - November 15, 2013 Eileen was born in the Drumheller Hospital to Percy and Nellie Robinson of Morrin, Ab.

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omer Enaam

What company does Omer Enaam work for?
Omer Enaam works for Deloitte as Managing Director
What is Omer Enaam’s role in Deloitte?
Omer Enaam’s role in Deloitte is Managing Director
What is Omer Enaam’s email address?
Omer Enaam’s email address is o***@deloitte.com
What is Omer Enaam’s business email address?
Omer Enaam’s business email address is o***@deloitte.com
What is Omer Enaam’s direct phone number?
Omer Enaam’s direct phone number is (714) ***-****
What is Omer Enaam’s work phone number?
Omer Enaam’s headquarters phone number is +44 2079363000
What is Omer Enaam’s latest education?
Omer Enaam’s latest education in Bachelor of Computer Science at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Which industry does Omer Enaam work in?
Omer Enaam works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Omer Enaam’s peers at other companies?
Omer Enaam’s peers at other companies are Laura Augustin, Boobalan Madhavan, Ahmad Zoubi, Stephen Kralik, Rick Fondriest.
Who are Omer Enaam’s colleagues?
Some of Omer Enaam’s colleagues are Bezhan Tayebi, Amit Somaiya, Cameron Decker, Arnold Cleveland.
How can I contact Omer Enaam?
Omer Enaam contact details: Email address: o***@deloitte.com Phone number: (714) ***-****
Who is Omer Enaam?

Omer Enaam is a Managing Director at Deloitte based in London, Greater London. Omer received a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences and a Master of Science from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences....

Where is Omer Enaam based?
Omer Enaam works for Deloitte, located at United Kingdom