2008-present (17 years)
Omer Enaam Email & Phone number
Omer Enaam Current Workplace
1 New Street Sq, London, Greater London, EC4A 3HQ, United Kingdom
+44 2079363000
Number of Employees
Omer Enaam Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
17Number of job titles
1About Omer Enaam
Omer Enaam is a Managing Director at Deloitte based in London, Greater London.
Omer received a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences and a Master of Science from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences.
Omer Enaam Current Workplace
Deloitte, provides audit, consulting, tax, and advisory services to brands worldwide. Deloitte serves many Fortune 500 as well as private and middle market companies. Deloitte is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
Omer Enaam Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
17Number of job titles
Bachelor of Computer Science
National University of Computer and Emerging SciencesMaster of Science
National University of Computer and Emerging SciencesRecent News About Omer Enaam
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omer Enaam
Omer Enaam is a Managing Director at Deloitte based in London, Greater London. Omer received a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences and a Master of Science from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences....