Omar Omar

Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer at Phillips 66

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(***) ***-****

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Omar Omar Work Experience Summary

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About Omar Omar

Omar is a Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer at Phillips 66. They are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of scalable, highly available, and reliable cloud infrastructure. With a strong belief in the power of education, Omar is dedicated to driving innovation and ensuring the seamless integration of cloud-based solutions.Prior to their current role, Omar served as a Professional Mentor in Cloud Computing at Great Learning. In this position, they were instrumental in guiding and mentoring professionals in the field of cloud computing, sharing their expertise and fostering the growth of the next generation of cloud experts.Omar holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Texas Tech University. They have also earned the prestigious Terraform Associate certification, showcasing their technical proficiency and commitment to continuous learning. Omar's achievements have been recognized with the prestigious AWS Community Builder award, highlighting their contribuRead more

Omar Omar Current Workplace

Phillips 66

2023-present (2 years)

Phillips 66 operates as an energy manufacturing and logistics company. It operates through four segments: Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties (M&S). The Midstream segment gathers, processes, transports, and markets natural gas; transports, stores, fractionates, and markets natural gas liquids in the United States; and stores, refrigerates, and exports liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) primarily to Asia and Europe. This segment also transports crude oil and other feedstocks to its refineries and other locations, as well as delivers refined and specialty products, and provides terminaling and storage services for crude oil and petroleum products. The Chemicals segment manufactures and markets ethylene and other olefin products; aromatics and styrenics products, such as benzene, styrene, paraxylene, and cyclohexane, as well as polystyrene and styrene-butadiene copolymers; and various specialty chemical products, including organosulfur chemicals, solvents, catalysts,See more

Omar Omar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Site Reliability Engineer



Professional Mentor In Cloud Computing

Great Learning


Site Reliability Engineer



Tier 3 Technical Support Analyst



Org Chart - Phillips 66


Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omar Omar

What company does Omar Omar work for?
Omar Omar works for Phillips 66 as Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer
What is Omar Omar’s role in Phillips 66?
Omar Omar’s role in Phillips 66 is Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer
What is Omar Omar’s email address?
Omar Omar’s email address is o***
What is Omar Omar’s business email address?
Omar Omar’s business email address is o***
What is Omar Omar’s direct phone number?
Omar Omar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Omar Omar’s work phone number?
Omar Omar’s headquarters phone number is (832) 765-3010
What is Omar Omar’s latest job experience?
Omar Omar’s latest job experience is Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Pearson
Which industry does Omar Omar work in?
Omar Omar works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Omar Omar’s peers at other companies?
Omar Omar’s peers at other companies are Manoj Tatapudi, Bharathchandra Lingojigari, Mani Sai, Vishwaksena Balumuri, Vennela Bathini.
Who are Omar Omar’s colleagues?
Some of Omar Omar’s colleagues are Tara Goeske, Erin Amundsen, Shiwangi Panwar, Rohit Shokeen.
How can I contact Omar Omar?
Omar Omar contact details: Email address: o*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Omar Omar?

Omar is a Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer at Phillips 66. They are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of scalable, highly available, and reliable cloud infrastructure. With a strong belief in the power of education, Omar is dedicated to driving innovation and ensuring the seamless integration of cloud-based solutions.Prior t... o their current role, Omar served as a Professional Mentor in Cloud Computing at Great Learning. In this position, they were instrumental in guiding and mentoring professionals in the field of cloud computing, sharing their expertise and fostering the growth of the next generation of cloud experts.Omar holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Texas Tech University. They have also earned the prestigious Terraform Associate certification, showcasing their technical proficiency and commitment to continuous learning. Omar's achievements have been recognized with the prestigious AWS Community Builder award, highlighting their contributions to the AWS community.Read More

Where is Omar Omar based?
Omar Omar works for Phillips 66, located at United States
See more information about Omar Omar

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