Omar Cordova Garcia

Administrativo at Centro Universitario UTEG

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(***) ***-****

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About Omar Cordova Garcia

Omar Cordova Garcia is an Administrativo at Centro Universitario UTEG based in Guadalajara, Jalisco.Explore more

Omar Cordova Garcia Current Workplace

Centro Universitario UTEG

2012-present (13 years)

UTEG offers a range of educational programs including high school, undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees, with a strong emphasis on quality and employability. The institution is committed to shaping the future of youth in Mexico through international alliances and personalized guidance. Additionally, UTEG provides professional advisory services in various fields such as psychology, nutrition, law, and finance through its CESEPCOM center. UTEG is dedicated to supporting students and graduates in their professional transformation and career enhancement.

Org Chart - Centro Universitario UTEG






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omar Cordova Garcia

What company does Omar Cordova Garcia work for?
Omar Cordova Garcia works for Centro Universitario UTEG as Administrativo
What is Omar Cordova Garcia’s role in Centro Universitario UTEG?
Omar Cordova Garcia’s role in Centro Universitario UTEG is Administrativo
What is Omar Cordova Garcia’s direct phone number?
Omar Cordova Garcia’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Omar Cordova Garcia’s work phone number?
Omar Cordova Garcia’s headquarters phone number is +52 3338255171
Which industry does Omar Cordova Garcia work in?
Omar Cordova Garcia works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Omar Cordova Garcia’s peers at other companies?
Omar Cordova Garcia’s peers at other companies are Bere Millan, Ana Navarro, Jacqueline Gamboa, Mirbel Arelez, Gonzalo Lamela.
Who are Omar Cordova Garcia’s colleagues?
Some of Omar Cordova Garcia’s colleagues are Rubi Cg, Beulah Iñiguez, Patricia Gonzalez Rosas, Marco Vazquez.
Who is Omar Cordova Garcia?

Omar Cordova Garcia is an Administrativo at Centro Universitario UTEG based in Guadalajara, Jalisco.... Read More

Where is Omar Cordova Garcia based?
Omar Cordova Garcia works for Centro Universitario UTEG, located at Mexico
See more information about Omar Cordova Garcia

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