
Omar Bermudez

Production Operational Chief at YPF

Omar Bermudez Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Omar Bermudez Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Omar Bermudez Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Omar Bermudez

Omar Bermudez is a seasoned professional with a strong expertise in the areas of well rehabilitation, inactive well reactivation, and mature field optimization. They currently serve as the Production Operational Chief at YPF, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's operational production and well services.Prior to their current role, Bermudez held the position of Operational Production & Well Services Senior Engineer at YPF, where they were in charge of managing the company's well services and production operations. Their extensive experience in the industry has allowed them to develop a deep understanding of the challenges and best practices in well management and optimization.Bermudez's dedication to their craft and their ability to effectively lead teams have been instrumental in their success. They are known for their innovative approach to problem-solving and their commitment to delivering high-quality results.Explore more

Omar Bermudez Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

YPF is an integrated energy company that generates natural gas, electricity, fuels, petrochemicals, lubricants and products for agriculture. They company is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Omar Bermudez Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Operational Production & Well Services Senior Engineer



Superintendent of Production Operations Engineering

Pdvsa Petróleos De Venezuela


Production Optimization Engineering Leader

Pdvsa Petróleos De Venezuela


Production Optimization Engineer

Pdvsa Petróleos De Venezuela


Org Chart - YPF


Production Operational Chief




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Omar Bermudez

What company does Omar Bermudez work for?
Omar Bermudez works for YPF as Production Operational Chief
What is Omar Bermudez’s role in YPF?
Omar Bermudez’s role in YPF is Production Operational Chief
What is Omar Bermudez’s email address?
Omar Bermudez’s email address is o***@set.ypf.com
What is Omar Bermudez’s business email address?
Omar Bermudez’s business email address is o***@set.ypf.com
What is Omar Bermudez’s direct phone number?
Omar Bermudez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Omar Bermudez’s work phone number?
Omar Bermudez’s headquarters phone number is +54 1154410000
What is Omar Bermudez’s latest job experience?
Omar Bermudez’s latest job experience is Operational Production & Well Services Senior Engineer at YPF
Which industry does Omar Bermudez work in?
Omar Bermudez works in the industry of Oil & Gas Exploration & Services, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Omar Bermudez’s colleagues?
Some of Omar Bermudez’s colleagues are Pablo Micieli, Gisela Pérez, Gervasio Gonzalez, Santiago Vagaria.
How can I contact Omar Bermudez?
Omar Bermudez contact details: Email address: o***@set.ypf.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Omar Bermudez?

Omar Bermudez is a seasoned professional with a strong expertise in the areas of well rehabilitation, inactive well reactivation, and mature field optimization. They currently serve as the Production Operational Chief at YPF, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's operational production and well services.Prior to their current role... , Bermudez held the position of Operational Production & Well Services Senior Engineer at YPF, where they were in charge of managing the company's well services and production operations. Their extensive experience in the industry has allowed them to develop a deep understanding of the challenges and best practices in well management and optimization.Bermudez's dedication to their craft and their ability to effectively lead teams have been instrumental in their success. They are known for their innovative approach to problem-solving and their commitment to delivering high-quality results.Read More

Where is Omar Bermudez based?
Omar Bermudez works for YPF, located at Argentina
See more information about Omar Bermudez

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