
Ognjen Glavonic

Director at Non-Aligned Films

Ognjen Glavonic Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ognjen Glavonic Current Workplace


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Ognjen Glavonic Work Experience Summary

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About Ognjen Glavonic

Ognjen Glavonic works as a Director at Non-Aligned Films, which is a Broadcasting company with an estimated 7 employees. Their management level is Director. Found email listings include: @nonalignedfilms.com.Explore more

Ognjen Glavonic Current Workplace

Non-Aligned Films

2020-present (5 years)

Non-Aligned Films is a film production company based in Belgrade, Serbia, founded in 2012 by young directors Ognjen Glavonic and Stefan Ivancic, together with producer Dragana Jovovic. The idea behind Non-Aligned Films is to function as a platform for producing the films of an upcoming generation of Serbian filmmakers. Non-Aligned Films first production was the documentary Zivan Makes a Punk Festival (2014) directed by Ognjen Glavonic. Its international premiere was at Cinéma du Réel in Paris, and so far it has been screened at more than 45 international film festivals, including IFF Rotterdam. In addition to this, Non-Aligned Films produced three short films in 2014 Stefan Ivancics documentary 1973 (33 min. world premiere: Visions du Réel) and his fiction Moonless Summer (31 min. world premiere in Cannes, Cinéfondation) and the experimental documentary Heavens (19 min.), directed by Jelena Maksimovic and Ivan Salatic, which premiered at CPH:DOX. Depth Two , a documentary by Ognjen GlaSee more

Ognjen Glavonic Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Member of the Jury for the Feature Award



Member of the Jury for the Feature Award


Org Chart - Non-Aligned Films






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ognjen Glavonic

What company does Ognjen Glavonic work for?
Ognjen Glavonic works for Non-Aligned Films as Director
What is Ognjen Glavonic’s role in Non-Aligned Films?
Ognjen Glavonic’s role in Non-Aligned Films is Director
What is Ognjen Glavonic’s email address?
Ognjen Glavonic’s email address is o***@nonalignedfilms.com
What is Ognjen Glavonic’s business email address?
Ognjen Glavonic’s business email address is o***@nonalignedfilms.com
What is Ognjen Glavonic’s direct phone number?
Ognjen Glavonic’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Ognjen Glavonic work in?
Ognjen Glavonic works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Ognjen Glavonic’s peers at other companies?
Ognjen Glavonic’s peers at other companies are Murthy Shrikantham, Christopher Lubbers, Andrew Frisbie, Destiny Montague, Steve Weiss.
Who are Ognjen Glavonic’s colleagues?
Some of Ognjen Glavonic’s colleagues are Stefan Ivancic, Ivan Salati, Stefan Malesevic, Boris Petkovic.
How can I contact Ognjen Glavonic?
Ognjen Glavonic contact details: Email address: o***@nonalignedfilms.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Ognjen Glavonic based?
Ognjen Glavonic works for Non-Aligned Films, located at United States
See more information about Ognjen Glavonic

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