2024-present (1 year)
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4Last Update 1/14/2025 3:11 AM
About Nurul Pasha
Nurul Pasha works as a General Manager at 7Star, which is an Architecture, Engineering & Design company with an estimated 2 employees. They are part of Operations Department and their management level is C-Level. Nurul is currently based in Pakistan. They used to work at Al-Tech Prime Group and Ravi Green Engineering. Found email listings include: @sek.com.pk.Explore more
Nurul Pasha Current Workplace
7 Star Engineering Kinetics Pvt Ltd offers innovative and cost-effective technical engineering solutions to worldwide clients in sectors such as Power, Cement, Oil Gas, Infrastructure, Automotive, and Chemical. With well-structured teams and integrated systems, the company provides services in design engineering, plant maintenance, and supplies. Their projects demonstrate expertise in delivering tailored solutions, and they are committed to ensuring client satisfaction through unmatched performance. The company's core values include a focus on quality, health, safety, security, environment, and ethical business practices.
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