Nur Mohd Suhaimi

Marketing & Communications Executive at Singapore Human Resources Institute

Nur Mohd Suhaimi Email & Phone number

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Number of Employees

Nur Mohd Suhaimi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Nur Mohd Suhaimi

Nur Mohd Suhaimi is a Marketing & Communications Executive at Singapore Human Resources Institute based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Nur was a Marketing & Campaigns Senior Associate (eCommerce) at FairPrice and also held positions at Jal Yoga, JobsPivot (APAC, REFASH, Ad Planet Group.Explore more

Nur Mohd Suhaimi Current Workplace

SHRI is the leading professional HR association in Singapore, dedicated to advancing the skills and knowledge of HR professionals in alignment with national building efforts. The organization offers a variety of academic and professional development programs, including diplomas, certifications, and executive education aimed at both current and aspiring HR practitioners. SHRI also provides consultancy services, in-house training, and resources to foster best practices among its members from public and private sectors. Through its membership, SHRI connects HR professionals, promotes professionalism, and addresses the evolving challenges in the HR landscape.

Nur Mohd Suhaimi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Marketing & Campaigns Senior Associate (eCommerce)



Marketing Executive

Jal Yoga


Digital Marketing Executive

JobsPivot (APAC


Manager, Retail Operations



Org Chart - Singapore Human Resources Institute


Marketing & Communications Executiv...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nur Mohd Suhaimi

What company does Nur Mohd Suhaimi work for?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi works for Singapore Human Resources Institute as Marketing & Communications Executive
What is Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s role in Singapore Human Resources Institute?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s role in Singapore Human Resources Institute is Marketing & Communications Executive
What is Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s direct phone number?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s work phone number?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s headquarters phone number is +65 64380012
What is Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s latest job experience?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s latest job experience is Marketing & Campaigns Senior Associate (eCommerce) at FairPrice
Which industry does Nur Mohd Suhaimi work in?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s peers at other companies?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s peers at other companies are Akshaya Venkatesan, Donna Tunbridge, Namir Roziani, Rani Kaur, Nasha Ayuni.
Who are Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s colleagues?
Some of Nur Mohd Suhaimi’s colleagues are D. Prasad, Able Cheong, Sherlyn Bong, Alvin Goh.
Who is Nur Mohd Suhaimi?

Nur Mohd Suhaimi is a Marketing & Communications Executive at Singapore Human Resources Institute based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Nur was a Marketing & Campaigns Senior Associate (eCommerce) at FairPrice and also held positions at Jal Yoga, JobsPivot (APAC, REFASH, Ad Planet Group.... Read More

Where is Nur Mohd Suhaimi based?
Nur Mohd Suhaimi works for Singapore Human Resources Institute, located at Singapore
See more information about Nur Mohd Suhaimi

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