Norikazu Kato

Vice President, Engineering at Gunosy

Norikazu Kato Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Norikazu Kato Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Norikazu Kato Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Norikazu Kato

Norikazu Kato is a Vice President, Engineering at Gunosy based in Tokyo. Previously, Norikazu was a Manager at Gunosy and also held positions at GREE. Norikazu received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from 早稲田大学 and a Master of Engineering from 早稲田大学.Explore more

Norikazu Kato Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

Gunosy is a news app provider that started with three graduate students at the University of Tokyo studying AI. Some of our unique features are: We are aiming for a smartphone platform position beyond being a simple news app. Computers are collecting information from around the world and delivering it optimally without editors or reporters. Our product provides an information curation application that delivers articles that appear to be preferred by users by estimating their attributes, interests and concerns through deep learning.

Norikazu Kato Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience




Manager, Engineering



Manager, Engineering








Bachelor of Engineering - (B.E.), Computer Science and Engineering


Master of Engineering - Computer Science and Engineering


Org Chart - Gunosy


Vice President, Engineering




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Norikazu Kato

What company does Norikazu Kato work for?
Norikazu Kato works for Gunosy as Vice President, Engineering
What is Norikazu Kato’s role in Gunosy?
Norikazu Kato’s role in Gunosy is Vice President, Engineering
What is Norikazu Kato’s direct phone number?
Norikazu Kato’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Norikazu Kato’s work phone number?
Norikazu Kato’s headquarters phone number is +81 359538030
What is Norikazu Kato’s latest job experience?
Norikazu Kato’s latest job experience is Manager at Gunosy
What is Norikazu Kato’s latest education?
Norikazu Kato’s latest education in Bachelor of Engineering - (B.E.), Computer Science and Engineering at 早稲田大学
Which industry does Norikazu Kato work in?
Norikazu Kato works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Norikazu Kato’s peers at other companies?
Norikazu Kato’s peers at other companies are Dennis Ameen, Debankur Das, Neil McManus, Subha Balasubramanian, Karim Mekhid.
Who are Norikazu Kato’s colleagues?
Some of Norikazu Kato’s colleagues are Tomoyo Hayashi, Yuto Suzuki, Rui Nishiguchi, Yuki Maniwa.
Who is Norikazu Kato?

Norikazu Kato is a Vice President, Engineering at Gunosy based in Tokyo. Previously, Norikazu was a Manager at Gunosy and also held positions at GREE. Norikazu received a Bachelor of Engineering degree from 早稲田大学 and a Master of Engineering from 早稲田大学.... Read More

Where is Norikazu Kato based?
Norikazu Kato works for Gunosy, located at Japan
See more information about Norikazu Kato

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