
Noreen Chan

Flight Attendant at United Airlines

Noreen Chan Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Noreen Chan Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Noreen Chan

Noreen Chan is a Flight Attendant at United Airlines based in Chicago, Illinois.

Noreen Chan Current Workplace

United Airlines

2014-present (10 years)

United Airlines and United Express operate flights to airports across five continents. United has a comprehensive route network, including U.S. mainland hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. United Airlines is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Org Chart - United Airlines

Noreen Chan

Flight Attendant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Noreen Chan

What company does Noreen Chan work for?
Noreen Chan works for United Airlines as Flight Attendant
What is Noreen Chan’s role in United Airlines?
Noreen Chan’s role in United Airlines is Flight Attendant
What is Noreen Chan’s email address?
Noreen Chan’s email address is c***@united.com
What is Noreen Chan’s business email address?
Noreen Chan’s business email address is c***@united.com
What is Noreen Chan’s direct phone number?
Noreen Chan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Noreen Chan’s work phone number?
Noreen Chan’s headquarters phone number is (872) 825-4000
Which industry does Noreen Chan work in?
Noreen Chan works in the industry of Airlines, Airports & Air Services, Transportation.
Who are Noreen Chan’s peers at other companies?
Noreen Chan’s peers at other companies are Emily Fritz, Kevin Ingleton, Eboni Wright, Gerard Sullivan, Amanda Jarrett.
Who are Noreen Chan’s colleagues?
Some of Noreen Chan’s colleagues are Alekha Andolu, Emily Fritz, Roger Littleton, Marcus Threlkeld.
How can I contact Noreen Chan?
Noreen Chan contact details: Email address: c***@united.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Noreen Chan?

Noreen Chan is a Flight Attendant at United Airlines based in Chicago, Illinois....

Where is Noreen Chan based?
Noreen Chan works for United Airlines, located at United States