2023-present (2 years)
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Last Update 12/5/2024 4:19 AM
About Noer Ardi
Noer Ardi works as a President at The APRSCP, which is a Banking company with an estimated 20 employees. They are part of C-Suite Department and their management level is C-Level. Found email listings include: n***@aprscp.net.Explore more
Noer Ardi Current Workplace
About the APRSCP: For the past 16 years, the APRSCP network has been providing a sound platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnerships among change agents. The APRSCP has been a dialogue platform in sharing and promoting best practices, programs, local initiatives, policies and lessons learned on SCP related projects in Asia and the Pacific region. APRSCP outputs have been used as major inputs in global decision-making processes, such as the World Summit on Sustainable Development and the 18thand 19thsession of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
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November 27, 2018 - iisresearch.org
Mr. Noer Ardi from Indonesia, President of APRSCP Board of Trustees You are here: Home News Mr. Noer Ardi from Indonesia,... Mr. Noer Ardi from Ind...November 27, 2018 - iisresearch.org
Mr. Noer Ardi from Indonesia, President of APRSCP Board of Trustees NewsBy admin Mr. Noer Ardi from Indonesia, President of APRSCP Board of Trustee...November 27, 2018 - iisresearch.org
Previous Previous post: Mr. Noer Ardi from Indonesia, President of APRSCP Board of Trustees Next Next post: Latest News We Act together for our Gre...
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