Nitin AgrawalA

Nitin Agrawal

Global Chief Financial Officer at Alkem

Nitin Agrawal Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Nitin Agrawal Current Workplace




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Nitin Agrawal Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Nitin Agrawal

Mr. Nitin completed his CA from ICAI and B.Com from Calcutta University. He is a reputable finance leader with over 18 years of experience in global pharmaceuticals and the FMCG industry. His excellent interpersonal and business partnering skills, strong transformational leadership, statutory compliances, and the ability to multitask efficiently have enabled him to contribute to the success stories of many organizations (like Cipla, SMT, Shalina Healthcare, and Godrej Consumer Products). Post Alkem's IPO, he set up a process to ensure smooth board meetings with independent directors and quarterly analyst calls. He also answered questions asked by independent directors during board meetings and analysts during quarterly calls to resolve the queries effectively. He has analyzed various acquisition proposals and integrated the acquired company operations after the deal. He has successfully set up and led finance teams in the USA, Chile, Australia, LATAM, Africa, and Europe. His impecRead more

Nitin Agrawal Current Workplace


2017-present (7 years)

Alkem is a leading Indian pharmaceutical company with global operations, engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. The company was established in 1973 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

Nitin Agrawal Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Sales Representative (Suture Division)



Global Chief Financial Officer

Sahajanand Medical Technologies


Scientific Sales Executive (Cardiology Division)

Serdia Pharmaceuticals Pvt


Sales Executive (Neuro Psy Division)






IIM Lucknow

Org Chart - Alkem

Profile Picture

Global Chief Financial Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nitin Agrawal

What company does Nitin Agrawal work for?
Nitin Agrawal works for Alkem as Global Chief Financial Officer
What is Nitin Agrawal’s role in Alkem?
Nitin Agrawal’s role in Alkem is Global Chief Financial Officer
What is Nitin Agrawal’s email address?
Nitin Agrawal’s email address is n***
What is Nitin Agrawal’s business email address?
Nitin Agrawal’s business email address is n***
What is Nitin Agrawal’s direct phone number?
Nitin Agrawal’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nitin Agrawal’s work phone number?
Nitin Agrawal’s headquarters phone number is +91 2239829999
What is Nitin Agrawal’s latest job experience?
Nitin Agrawal’s latest job experience is Associate Sales Representative (Suture Division) at Medtronic
What is Nitin Agrawal’s latest education?
Nitin Agrawal’s latest education in MBA at IIM Lucknow
Which industry does Nitin Agrawal work in?
Nitin Agrawal works in the industry of Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare.
Who are Nitin Agrawal’s peers at other companies?
Nitin Agrawal’s peers at other companies are Jatin Brahmecha, Ashish Adukia, Hendry Lim, Harshil Dalal.
Who are Nitin Agrawal’s colleagues?
Some of Nitin Agrawal’s colleagues are Pankaj Rana, Daram Durgareddy, Mukunda Sarode, Prakash Ramnani.
How can I contact Nitin Agrawal?
Nitin Agrawal contact details: Email address: n*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nitin Agrawal?

Mr. Nitin completed his CA from ICAI and B.Com from Calcutta University. He is a reputable finance leader with over 18 years of experience in global pharmaceuticals and the FMCG industry. His excellent interpersonal and business partnering skills, strong transformational leadership, statutory compliances, and the ability to multitask efficiently h... ave enabled him to contribute to the success stories of many organizations (like Cipla, SMT, Shalina Healthcare, and Godrej Consumer Products). Post Alkem's IPO, he set up a process to ensure smooth board meetings with independent directors and quarterly analyst calls. He also answered questions asked by independent directors during board meetings and analysts during quarterly calls to resolve the queries effectively. He has analyzed various acquisition proposals and integrated the acquired company operations after the deal. He has successfully set up and led finance teams in the USA, Chile, Australia, LATAM, Africa, and Europe. His impeccable leadership skills have enabled him to coach multiple people and teams, and his expertise has allowed him to make a noteworthy difference in different financial journeys.Read More

Where is Nitin Agrawal based?
Nitin Agrawal works for Alkem, located at India
Who is Alkem’s Global Chief Financial Officer?
Alkem's Global Chief Financial Officer is Nitin Agrawal
See more information about Nitin Agrawal

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