Niranjan PereraA+

Niranjan Perera

Chief People Officer at Lion Brewery

Niranjan Perera Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Niranjan Perera Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Niranjan Perera Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Niranjan Perera

Just a comment on the topjobs service, which I should not hesitate to say is hard to find - a service extended by ALL staff members of topjobs. I was personally following an issue a few days back when the passwords were not recognized; you were very helpful as we were so badly in need to get printouts of the jobseeker profiles in preparation for interviews with the foreign principals. I must be thankful to topjobs for creating a new era for foreign recruitment in Sri Lanka as recently I published a vacancy and there were many Sri Lankans already employed in the Middle East who applied. After we shortlisted we got our principals to interview and an applicant from Doha-Qatar was selected for post of Accounts Manager for a monthly salary of USD.5000/- Cheers.Explore more

Niranjan Perera Current Workplace

Lion Brewery

2022-present (2 years)

Lion Brewery or Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC is a predominantly Sri Lankan owned and operated brewery. The company is listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange and its stock is part of the S&P Sri Lanka 20 Index. Lion Brewery produces the highest selling beer, Lion Lager, in both Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Niranjan Perera Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head of Human Resources

Lion Brewery


Director, Human Resources

Hemas Consumer Brands


General Manager, Human Resources

Hemas Consumer Brands


Org Chart - Lion Brewery

Profile Picture

Chief People Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Niranjan Perera

What company does Niranjan Perera work for?
Niranjan Perera works for Lion Brewery as Chief People Officer
What is Niranjan Perera’s role in Lion Brewery?
Niranjan Perera’s role in Lion Brewery is Chief People Officer
What is Niranjan Perera’s email address?
Niranjan Perera’s email address is n***
What is Niranjan Perera’s business email address?
Niranjan Perera’s business email address is n***
What is Niranjan Perera’s direct phone number?
Niranjan Perera’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Niranjan Perera’s work phone number?
Niranjan Perera’s headquarters phone number is +94 112465900
What is Niranjan Perera’s latest job experience?
Niranjan Perera’s latest job experience is Head of Human Resources at Lion Brewery
Which industry does Niranjan Perera work in?
Niranjan Perera works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Niranjan Perera’s peers at other companies?
Niranjan Perera’s peers at other companies are Renee Stevens, Karen Walsh, Stacy Homer, Travis Billingsley, Stacey Payne.
Who are Niranjan Perera’s colleagues?
Some of Niranjan Perera’s colleagues are Hashan Dissanayake, Nalin Kalubowila, Eshantha Salgado, Dineth Rodrigo.
How can I contact Niranjan Perera?
Niranjan Perera contact details: Email address: n*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Niranjan Perera?

Just a comment on the topjobs service, which I should not hesitate to say is hard to find - a service extended by ALL staff members of topjobs. I was personally following an issue a few days back when the passwords were not recognized; you were very helpful as we were so badly in need to get printouts of the jobseeker profiles in preparation for in... terviews with the foreign principals. I must be thankful to topjobs for creating a new era for foreign recruitment in Sri Lanka as recently I published a vacancy and there were many Sri Lankans already employed in the Middle East who applied. After we shortlisted we got our principals to interview and an applicant from Doha-Qatar was selected for post of Accounts Manager for a monthly salary of USD.5000/- Cheers.Read More

Where is Niranjan Perera based?
Niranjan Perera works for Lion Brewery, located at Sri Lanka
Who is Lion Brewery’s Chief People Officer?
Lion Brewery's Chief People Officer is Niranjan Perera
See more information about Niranjan Perera

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