Niraj Kaushik

Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Aye Finance

Niraj Kaushik Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Niraj Kaushik Current Workplace


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Niraj Kaushik Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Niraj Kaushik

As the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Niraj is responsible for the business growth of the company along with ensuring superlative portfolio quality. He manages our Distribution and Collections functions across India. He has over 25 years of exceptional track record in managing Credit & Risk, Risk Analytics, Sales and Distribution functions in Banking and Financial Services Industry. He has worked in reputable organizations in the industry like Larsen & Toubro, ICICI, ABN Amro Bank and later RBS. He was the Head of Credit for unsecured SME and Professional loans in Bajaj Finance Ltd. and the EVP – Head of Central Underwriting and Risk Intelligence Unit for secured, unsecured and short-term trade finance for SME at Religare Finvest Ltd before joining Aye Fin. Niraj is an alumnus of IMT Ghaziabad and is an engineer from REC, Jaipur.Explore more

Niraj Kaushik Current Workplace

Aye Finance

2023-present (2 years)

Founded in 2014, Aye Finance is a leading MSME lender providing business loans to micro enterprises across India. The company is headquartered in Haryana, India.

Niraj Kaushik Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Business Officer

Aye Finance


Executive Director and Chief of Credit and Collection

Aye Finance


Credit Chief & Collection Officer

Aye Finance


Chief Credit Officer

Aye Finance




Engineering degree

IMT Ghaziabad

Org Chart - Aye Finance

Deputy Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Niraj Kaushik

What company does Niraj Kaushik work for?
Niraj Kaushik works for Aye Finance as Deputy Chief Executive Officer
What is Niraj Kaushik’s role in Aye Finance?
Niraj Kaushik’s role in Aye Finance is Deputy Chief Executive Officer
What is Niraj Kaushik’s email address?
Niraj Kaushik’s email address is n***@ayefin.com
What is Niraj Kaushik’s business email address?
Niraj Kaushik’s business email address is n***@ayefin.com
What is Niraj Kaushik’s direct phone number?
Niraj Kaushik’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Niraj Kaushik’s work phone number?
Niraj Kaushik’s headquarters phone number is +91 8448586881
What is Niraj Kaushik’s latest job experience?
Niraj Kaushik’s latest job experience is Chief Business Officer at Aye Finance
What is Niraj Kaushik’s latest education?
Niraj Kaushik’s latest education in Engineering degree at REC
Which industry does Niraj Kaushik work in?
Niraj Kaushik works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Niraj Kaushik’s peers at other companies?
Niraj Kaushik’s peers at other companies are Prasidha Aryal, Merry Ajit, Mustafa Ibrahim, Ramesh Kolath, Elham Mahfouz.
Who are Niraj Kaushik’s colleagues?
Some of Niraj Kaushik’s colleagues are Hariom Rawat, Kishor Pokiya, Hardeepgiri Gauswami, Mallesh Appa.
How can I contact Niraj Kaushik?
Niraj Kaushik contact details: Email address: n***@ayefin.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Niraj Kaushik?

As the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Niraj is responsible for the business growth of the company along with ensuring superlative portfolio quality. He manages our Distribution and Collections functions across India. He has over 25 years of exceptional track record in managing Credit & Risk, Risk Analytics, Sales and Distribution functions in Ban... king and Financial Services Industry. He has worked in reputable organizations in the industry like Larsen & Toubro, ICICI, ABN Amro Bank and later RBS. He was the Head of Credit for unsecured SME and Professional loans in Bajaj Finance Ltd. and the EVP – Head of Central Underwriting and Risk Intelligence Unit for secured, unsecured and short-term trade finance for SME at Religare Finvest Ltd before joining Aye Fin. Niraj is an alumnus of IMT Ghaziabad and is an engineer from REC, Jaipur.Read More

Where is Niraj Kaushik based?
Niraj Kaushik works for Aye Finance, located at India
See more information about Niraj Kaushik

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