Nikilesh Rolla

Technical Lead at Whacked Out Media Pvt

Nikilesh Rolla Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Nikilesh Rolla Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Nikilesh Rolla Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Nikilesh Rolla

Nikilesh Rolla is a Technical Lead at Whacked Out Media Pvt based in Hyderabad, Telangana. Previously, Nikilesh was a Senior PHP Developer at IQLabs and also held positions at elLoka.Explore more

Nikilesh Rolla Current Workplace

Whacked Out Media Pvt

2014-present (10 years)

Whacked Out Media caters to more than just a digital presence. Focusing on reflecting the true personalities of our clients, WOM connects them to their audiences with ease and aplomb. Promotions are another skill Whacked Out Media has mastered! Having worked on myriad brands, films, products and campaigns, our experience is indeed vast and tailored to the customer's unique need. Understanding the changing patterns and trends, WOM generates a unique strategy every single time for their clients. Whacked Out Media has developed interactive mobile applications and organises various activities through our mobile network operators. The core strength of Whacked Out Media, is in developing a strong brand presence through brilliant strategies and technology, by packaging and distributing maverick content. With an online audience of 200 Million + followers, across various social media platforms and 9 Million + subscribers, on YouTube for its various channels, Whacked Out Media has an experiencedSee more

Nikilesh Rolla Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior PHP Developer



PHP Developer

Fortunapix pvt ltd





Org Chart - Whacked Out Media Pvt


Technical Lead




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nikilesh Rolla

What company does Nikilesh Rolla work for?
Nikilesh Rolla works for Whacked Out Media Pvt as Technical Lead
What is Nikilesh Rolla’s role in Whacked Out Media Pvt?
Nikilesh Rolla’s role in Whacked Out Media Pvt is Technical Lead
What is Nikilesh Rolla’s direct phone number?
Nikilesh Rolla’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nikilesh Rolla’s work phone number?
Nikilesh Rolla’s headquarters phone number is +91 4023550316
What is Nikilesh Rolla’s latest job experience?
Nikilesh Rolla’s latest job experience is Senior PHP Developer at IQLabs
Which industry does Nikilesh Rolla work in?
Nikilesh Rolla works in the industry of Broadcasting, Media & Internet.
Who are Nikilesh Rolla’s peers at other companies?
Nikilesh Rolla’s peers at other companies are Shuvo Debnath, Devi Ramasamy, Simon Stafford, Dominic DeStefano, Martin McGirk.
Who are Nikilesh Rolla’s colleagues?
Some of Nikilesh Rolla’s colleagues are Chandu Sri, Mohd Ishaq, Prakash Nani, Vardhini Ashamani.
Who is Nikilesh Rolla?

Nikilesh Rolla is a Technical Lead at Whacked Out Media Pvt based in Hyderabad, Telangana. Previously, Nikilesh was a Senior PHP Developer at IQLabs and also held positions at elLoka.... Read More

Where is Nikilesh Rolla based?
Nikilesh Rolla works for Whacked Out Media Pvt, located at India
See more information about Nikilesh Rolla

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