Nikhil Parwate

Associate Director Surgical Oncology at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital

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About Nikhil Parwate

Nikhil Parwate is an Associate Director Surgical Oncology at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital based in Jambhe, Maharashtra. Previously, Nikhil was a Senior Consultant at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital.Explore more

Nikhil Parwate Current Workplace

Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital

2024-present (8 months)

Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital provides its patients with a wide variety of medical and surgical treatments. Ranging from cosmetic surgeries to life saving oncology treatments, Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital provides an array of procedures aimed to ensure effective provision of healthcare for all. The hospital is equipped with state of art infrastructure and technology to provide its patients the highest level of care available. The medical team at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital is renowned world over with many of its panel consultants having practiced in UK, USA and Australia. Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital provides treatments ranging from Joint Replacement and Cosmetic Procedures to Renal and Bone Marrow Transplants. The Fertility Centre at the hospital is one of the best and most advanced Centre in the region, having successfully treated a large number of domestic and international patients.

Nikhil Parwate Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Consultant

Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital


Org Chart - Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital


Associate Director Surgical Oncolog...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nikhil Parwate

What company does Nikhil Parwate work for?
Nikhil Parwate works for Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital as Associate Director Surgical Oncology
What is Nikhil Parwate’s role in Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital?
Nikhil Parwate’s role in Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital is Associate Director Surgical Oncology
What is Nikhil Parwate’s email address?
Nikhil Parwate’s email address is n***
What is Nikhil Parwate’s business email address?
Nikhil Parwate’s business email address is n***
What is Nikhil Parwate’s direct phone number?
Nikhil Parwate’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nikhil Parwate’s work phone number?
Nikhil Parwate’s headquarters phone number is +91 2223544625
What is Nikhil Parwate’s latest job experience?
Nikhil Parwate’s latest job experience is Senior Consultant at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital
Which industry does Nikhil Parwate work in?
Nikhil Parwate works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Nikhil Parwate’s colleagues?
Some of Nikhil Parwate’s colleagues are Varsha Rangari, Kamlesh Bukne, Dt. Ghosh, Aviral Shukla.
How can I contact Nikhil Parwate?
Nikhil Parwate contact details: Email address: n*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nikhil Parwate?

Nikhil Parwate is an Associate Director Surgical Oncology at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital based in Jambhe, Maharashtra. Previously, Nikhil was a Senior Consultant at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital.... Read More

Where is Nikhil Parwate based?
Nikhil Parwate works for Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, located at India
See more information about Nikhil Parwate

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