Nigel de FreitasA

Nigel de Freitas

President of the Senate at Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago

Nigel de Freitas Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Nigel de Freitas

Nigel de Freitas works as a President of the Senate at Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago, which is a Government company with an estimated 327 employees. Their management level is C-Level. Nigel graduated from their alma mater, University Of Guelph in 2007 and is currently based in Trinidad and Tobago. Found email listings include: n*** more

Nigel de Freitas Current Workplace

Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago

2023-present (2 years)

Trinidad and Tobago follows the Westminster System of government, in that Members of the Executive are also members of Parliament and thus attend sittings of the legislature. The term "Parliament" in the Trinidad and Tobago setting can mean several things. For most, the term "Parliament" means the building in which members assemble to conduct business. The term also refers to a specific period of time between general elections, so that in Trinidad and Tobago, the 4th Republican Parliament took place between 1991 and 1994, and the 5th Republican Parliament took place between 1995 and 2000. Parliaments between 1962 and 1976 are referred to as Independent Parliaments, since Trinidad and Tobago was Independent, but had not yet attained Republican status. According to Section 39 of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Parliament consists of the President of the Republic, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. HOME

Nigel de Freitas Work Experience & Education

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Master of Science

University Of Guelph

Org Chart - Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago

Profile Picture

President of the Senate





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nigel de Freitas

What company does Nigel de Freitas work for?
Nigel de Freitas works for Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago as President of the Senate
What is Nigel de Freitas’s role in Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago?
Nigel de Freitas’s role in Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago is President of the Senate
What is Nigel de Freitas’s direct phone number?
Nigel de Freitas’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nigel de Freitas’s work phone number?
Nigel de Freitas’s headquarters phone number is (868) 624-7275
What is Nigel de Freitas’s latest education?
Nigel de Freitas’s latest education in Master of Science at University Of Guelph
Which industry does Nigel de Freitas work in?
Nigel de Freitas works in the industry of Government.
Who are Nigel de Freitas’s colleagues?
Some of Nigel de Freitas’s colleagues are Yokymma Bethelmy, Giselle Hall, Suzanne Salandy, Natalie Rampersad.
Where is Nigel de Freitas based?
Nigel de Freitas works for Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago, located at Trinidad and Tobago
Who is Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago’s President of the Senate?
Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago's President of the Senate is Nigel de Freitas
See more information about Nigel de Freitas

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