2014-present (11 years)
Nicole Stdenis Email & Phone number
Nicole Stdenis Current Workplace
San Leandro, California, 94578, United States
Phone Number
(510) 329-7347
Number of Employees
Nicole Stdenis Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
8Last Update 1/9/2025 8:25 PM
About Nicole Stdenis
Nicole Stdenis is an Owner at Pinky's Painting Party based in San Leandro, California.
Previously, Nicole was an Office Coordinator and Recruiter at Nelson and also held positions at Bay Area Communication Access, Office Depot, Flextronics, Home Depot.
Nicole Stdenis Current Workplace
Pinky's Painting Party
You choose what you want to paint. You can google images or paintings or give me an idea or theme and I can recreate one. For Kids Parties: I will give the birthday boy or girl a small gift. We have a dance party and glitter (varying on painting) You provide the location (restaurant, hall, or house), chairs, and tables (please include one for me to paint on, must be 4ft x 6ft or bigger) . Indoors is preferred.Weather is too unpredictable and will blow canvas and supplies off of the easels. AC plug accessibility near painting set up. A sink or running water (THESE ARE REQUIRED) If there is no free parking available, the cost of parking will be included in the minimum. $500 minimum that covers up to 20 painters. If you have a party smaller then 20 the minimum is the same. $25 each for any additional painters over the 20 covered by the minimum. A deposit will need to be collected to reserve that date we agree upon. Please contact me at pinkyspaintingparty@gmail.com for more info. The depoSee more
Nicole Stdenis Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nicole Stdenis
Nicole Stdenis is an Owner at Pinky's Painting Party based in San Leandro, California. Previously, Nicole was an Office Coordinator and Recruiter at Nelson and also held positions at Bay Area Communication Access, Office Depot, Flextronics, Home Depot....