Nicole RochaA+

Nicole Rocha

Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer at Tracy Grading and Paving

Nicole Rocha Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Nicole Rocha Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Nicole Rocha

Nicole Rocha is an Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer at Tracy Grading and Paving based in Tracy, California.

Nicole Rocha Current Workplace

Tracy Grading and Paving

2014-present (10 years)

Tracy Grading & Paving is a general contractor specializing in construction services such as mass excavation, grading, paving, underground utilities, and trucking. The company prides itself on exceptional customer service, quality workmanship, and a team of trained and experienced employees. They cater to clients involved in construction and infrastructure projects, seeking reliable and skilled services. With a commitment to exceeding client expectations, Tracy Grading & Paving has established a reputation for professionalism and reliability in the industry.

Org Chart - Tracy Grading and Paving

Profile Picture

Nicole Rocha

Office Manager, Chief Financial Off...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nicole Rocha

What company does Nicole Rocha work for?
Nicole Rocha works for Tracy Grading and Paving as Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer
What is Nicole Rocha’s role in Tracy Grading and Paving?
Nicole Rocha’s role in Tracy Grading and Paving is Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer
What is Nicole Rocha’s email address?
Nicole Rocha’s email address is n***
What is Nicole Rocha’s business email address?
Nicole Rocha’s business email address is n***
What is Nicole Rocha’s direct phone number?
Nicole Rocha’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nicole Rocha’s work phone number?
Nicole Rocha’s headquarters phone number is (209) 839-6590
Which industry does Nicole Rocha work in?
Nicole Rocha works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Nicole Rocha’s peers at other companies?
Nicole Rocha’s peers at other companies are Steven Lamarre, Renee Gauvin.
How can I contact Nicole Rocha?
Nicole Rocha contact details: Email address: n*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nicole Rocha?

Nicole Rocha is an Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer at Tracy Grading and Paving based in Tracy, California....

Where is Nicole Rocha based?
Nicole Rocha works for Tracy Grading and Paving, located at United States
Who is Tracy Grading and Paving’s Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer?
Tracy Grading and Paving's Office Manager, Chief Financial Officer is Nicole Rocha