2017-present (8 years)
Nicole Presley Email & Phone number
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(559) ***-****
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(***) ***-****
Nicole Presley Current Workplace
894 W Belmont Ave, Fresno, California, 93728, United States
Phone Number
(559) 498-5910
Number of Employees
Last Update 1/11/2025 7:14 PM
About Nicole Presley
Nicole Presley has been with the Zoo since 2015. She began her career at the Toronto Zoo after receiving a B.Sc. in Zoology from University of Guelph. As General Curator, Presley oversees the care and management of all animals at the Zoo. She also serves on the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Gibbon Management Group as a Liaison for the Gibbon Species Survival Plan.
Nicole Presley Current Workplace
Fresno Chaffee Zoo
Centrally located in Fresno, California, Fresno Chaffee Zoo is home to over 200 different species and WOW exhibits-from Sea Lion Cover to African Adventure-that teach guests about animals all across the globe and the conservation efforts to protect them. The Zoo welcomes over 800,000 guests annually, offering a world-class guest experience and conservation education to all who visit. The mission of Fresno Chaffee Zoo is to inspire wonder of our natural world, provide an engaging learning environment, and create a passion for conservation.
Org Chart - Fresno Chaffee Zoo
Nicole Presley
General Curator
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nicole Presley
Nicole Presley has been with the Zoo since 2015. She began her career at the Toronto Zoo after receiving a B.Sc. in Zoology from University of Guelph. As General Curator, Presley oversees the care and management of all animals at the Zoo. She also serves on the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Gibbon Management Group as a Liaison for the Gibbon Sp... ecies Survival Plan.