
Nicole Esser

Recovery Consultant, Recovery Services at CNA

Nicole Esser Email & Phone number


(610) ***-****

Nicole Esser Current Workplace





Number of Employees


About Nicole Esser

Nicole Esser is a Recovery Consultant, Recovery Services at CNA based in Chicago, Illinois.

Nicole Esser Current Workplace


2013-present (12 years)

CNA Financial Corporation provides commercial property and casualty insurance products primarily in the United States. It operates through Specialty, Commercial, International, Life & Group Non-Core, and Corporate & Other Non-Core segments. The companys property insurance products include property, marine, boiler, and machinery coverages; and casualty insurance products comprise workers compensation, general and product liability, commercial auto, and umbrella coverages.

Org Chart - CNA

Nicole Esser

Recovery Consultant, Recovery Servi...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nicole Esser

What company does Nicole Esser work for?
Nicole Esser works for CNA as Recovery Consultant, Recovery Services
What is Nicole Esser’s role in CNA?
Nicole Esser’s role in CNA is Recovery Consultant, Recovery Services
What is Nicole Esser’s email address?
Nicole Esser’s email address is n***@cna.com
What is Nicole Esser’s business email address?
Nicole Esser’s business email address is n***@cna.com
What is Nicole Esser’s direct phone number?
Nicole Esser’s direct phone number is (610) ***-****
What is Nicole Esser’s work phone number?
Nicole Esser’s headquarters phone number is (312) 822-5000
Which industry does Nicole Esser work in?
Nicole Esser works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Nicole Esser’s colleagues?
Some of Nicole Esser’s colleagues are Donna Haggerty, Donna Potter, Jessica Lear, Jennifer Andriany.
How can I contact Nicole Esser?
Nicole Esser contact details: Email address: n***@cna.com Phone number: (610) ***-****
Who is Nicole Esser?

Nicole Esser is a Recovery Consultant, Recovery Services at CNA based in Chicago, Illinois....

Where is Nicole Esser based?
Nicole Esser works for CNA, located at United States