
Nick Farrell

Energy Trader at Xcel Energy

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(303) ***-****

Nick Farrell Current Workplace


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Nick Farrell Work Experience Summary

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About Nick Farrell

Nick Farrell is an Energy Trader at Xcel Energy, based in Boulder, United States. He is responsible for trading financial transmission rights (FTRs) and other energy products. Prior to his current role, Farrell served as an Associate FTR Trader at Xcel Energy. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Colorado Boulder, where he developed his expertise in the energy industry and financial markets.Explore more

Nick Farrell Current Workplace

Xcel Energy

2012-present (13 years)

Xcel Energy Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages primarily in the generation, purchase, transmission, distribution, and sale of electricity in the United States. It operates through Regulated Electric Utility, Regulated Natural Gas Utility, and All Other segments. The company generates electricity through coal, nuclear, natural gas, hydroelectric, solar, biomass, oil and refuse, and wind energy sources. It also purchases, transports, distributes, and sells natural gas. In addition, the company develops and leases natural gas pipelines, and storage and compression facilities; and invests in rental housing projects, as well as procures equipment for construction of renewable generation facilities. It serves residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the portions of Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. Xcel Energy Inc. was founded in 1909 and is based in Minneapolis.

Nick Farrell Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate FTR Trader

Xcel Energy


Trading Associate & Analyst

Xcel Energy


Commercial Operations Intern

Xcel Energy


Product Support Associate





Bachelor of Arts - Economics / Environmental Studies

University of Colorado Boulder

Master of Business Administration - Finance

University of Colorado Boulder - Leeds School of Business

Org Chart - Xcel Energy


Energy Trader




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nick Farrell

What company does Nick Farrell work for?
Nick Farrell works for Xcel Energy as Energy Trader
What is Nick Farrell’s role in Xcel Energy?
Nick Farrell’s role in Xcel Energy is Energy Trader
What is Nick Farrell’s email address?
Nick Farrell’s email address is n***@xcelenergy.com
What is Nick Farrell’s business email address?
Nick Farrell’s business email address is n***@xcelenergy.com
What is Nick Farrell’s direct phone number?
Nick Farrell’s direct phone number is (303) ***-****
What is Nick Farrell’s work phone number?
Nick Farrell’s headquarters phone number is (612) 330-5500
What is Nick Farrell’s latest job experience?
Nick Farrell’s latest job experience is Associate FTR Trader at Xcel Energy
What is Nick Farrell’s latest education?
Nick Farrell’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Economics / Environmental Studies at University of Colorado Boulder
Which industry does Nick Farrell work in?
Nick Farrell works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Nick Farrell’s peers at other companies?
Nick Farrell’s peers at other companies are Maria Tolentino, Hazel Vina Villanueva, Wency F. Villanueva, Christopher McDowall, Sam Arneson.
Who are Nick Farrell’s colleagues?
Some of Nick Farrell’s colleagues are Jennifer Volk, William Frauly, Mowery Rick, Rebecca Yakesh.
How can I contact Nick Farrell?
Nick Farrell contact details: Email address: n***@xcelenergy.com Phone number: (303) ***-****
Who is Nick Farrell?

Nick Farrell is an Energy Trader at Xcel Energy, based in Boulder, United States. He is responsible for trading financial transmission rights (FTRs) and other energy products. Prior to his current role, Farrell served as an Associate FTR Trader at Xcel Energy. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Colorado Boulder, where he deve... loped his expertise in the energy industry and financial markets.Read More

Where is Nick Farrell based?
Nick Farrell works for Xcel Energy, located at United States
See more information about Nick Farrell

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