
Nick Dinardo

Genaral Manager at Carlino's Market

Nick Dinardo Email & Phone number

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(610) ***-****

Nick Dinardo Current Workplace


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About Nick Dinardo

Nick Dinardo is a Genaral Manager at Carlino's Market based in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.Explore more

Nick Dinardo Current Workplace

Carlino's Market

2016-present (9 years)

The Carlino Family began to cultivate the finest fruits and vegetables and raise the healthiest game and livestock on the family farm in the sunny hills of Abruzzo, Italy over six generations ago. Many of Carlinos Olde World recipes were developed in those kitchens and are still enjoyed today. Cured meats like prosciutto and soppresatta, sausages, sun-dried tomatoes, crusty breads, oil-cured olives, dried figs and olive oils, handmade pasta, sauces and sweets have outlasted the test of time and remain virtually unchanged. Grandfather Pasquale came to America in the early 1900s and was later followed by his family, including his daughter-in-law, Angela Carlino, who was known and loved as the famous Mama Carlino. Carlinos opened its first family store in Ardmore, Pa., in the 1980s offering homemade pastas, sauces and the freshest pastries and cookies. The business flourished and grew over the years to become one of the best-known specialty food stores in the Philadelphia area with two goSee more

Org Chart - Carlino's Market

Genaral Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nick Dinardo

What company does Nick Dinardo work for?
Nick Dinardo works for Carlino's Market as Genaral Manager
What is Nick Dinardo’s role in Carlino's Market?
Nick Dinardo’s role in Carlino's Market is Genaral Manager
What is Nick Dinardo’s email address?
Nick Dinardo’s email address is n***@carlinosmarket.com
What is Nick Dinardo’s business email address?
Nick Dinardo’s business email address is n***@carlinosmarket.com
What is Nick Dinardo’s direct phone number?
Nick Dinardo’s direct phone number is (610) ***-****
What is Nick Dinardo’s work phone number?
Nick Dinardo’s headquarters phone number is (610) 649-4046
Which industry does Nick Dinardo work in?
Nick Dinardo works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Nick Dinardo’s peers at other companies?
Nick Dinardo’s peers at other companies are Juan Disla, Manilalkizhakkottayi Mani, Arno Verboon, George Ross, Thang Mai.
Who are Nick Dinardo’s colleagues?
Some of Nick Dinardo’s colleagues are Phyllis Petrasso, Laurie Bronstein, Kiley Marsh, Andrew Callan.
How can I contact Nick Dinardo?
Nick Dinardo contact details: Email address: n***@carlinosmarket.com Phone number: (610) ***-****
Who is Nick Dinardo?

Nick Dinardo is a Genaral Manager at Carlino's Market based in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.... Read More

Where is Nick Dinardo based?
Nick Dinardo works for Carlino's Market, located at United States
See more information about Nick Dinardo

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