
Nichole Daiger

Marketing Communications Strategist at Aquila - small business consultancy

Nichole Daiger Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Nichole Daiger Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Nichole Daiger Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Nichole Daiger

Nichole Daiger is a Marketing Communications Strategist at Aquila - small business consultancy based in Bargara, Queensland. Previously, Nichole was a Director, Communications & Public Relations at Loeb & Loeb, LLP and also held positions at Caruso Affiliated, Kosmont Companies, Arden Companies. Nichole received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Southern California.

Nichole Daiger Current Workplace

Connections can expect slide shows and videos to support the loads of tips for running your small business which are posted to my featured groups. This Linkedin site supports the main web page which can be found at www.aquilaconsultancy.com.au and the Facebook page at Aquila - small business consultancy.

Nichole Daiger Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Communications & Public Relations

Loeb & Loeb, LLP


Brand Communications and Marketing

Team I-Sight


Branding Director, Corporate Communications

Caruso Affiliated


Director, Marketing

Kosmont Companies




Bachelor of Arts

University Of Southern California

Org Chart - Aquila - small business consultancy

Nichole Daiger

Marketing Communications Strategist

Recent News About Nichole Daiger

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nichole Daiger

What company does Nichole Daiger work for?
Nichole Daiger works for Aquila - small business consultancy as Marketing Communications Strategist
What is Nichole Daiger’s role in Aquila - small business consultancy?
Nichole Daiger’s role in Aquila - small business consultancy is Marketing Communications Strategist
What is Nichole Daiger’s email address?
Nichole Daiger’s email address is n***@taylorbigred.com
What is Nichole Daiger’s business email address?
Nichole Daiger’s business email address is n***@taylorbigred.com
What is Nichole Daiger’s direct phone number?
Nichole Daiger’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nichole Daiger’s work phone number?
Nichole Daiger’s headquarters phone number is +61 421253771
What is Nichole Daiger’s latest job experience?
Nichole Daiger’s latest job experience is Director, Communications & Public Relations at Loeb & Loeb, LLP
What is Nichole Daiger’s latest education?
Nichole Daiger’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at University Of Southern California
Which industry does Nichole Daiger work in?
Nichole Daiger works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Nichole Daiger’s peers at other companies?
Nichole Daiger’s peers at other companies are Halene Black, Zola Rehana.
Who are Nichole Daiger’s colleagues?
Some of Nichole Daiger’s colleagues are Rachel Swanson, Saholy Razafindrakoto, Abdelmajid Zouitni, Phiroze Masters.
How can I contact Nichole Daiger?
Nichole Daiger contact details: Email address: n***@taylorbigred.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nichole Daiger?

Nichole Daiger is a Marketing Communications Strategist at Aquila - small business consultancy based in Bargara, Queensland. Previously, Nichole was a Director, Communications & Public Relations at Loeb & Loeb, LLP and also held positions at Caruso Affiliated, Kosmont Companies, Arden Companies. Nichole received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Uni... versity Of Southern California.

Where is Nichole Daiger based?
Nichole Daiger works for Aquila - small business consultancy, located at Australia