
Nha Le

Quality Control Engineer at Oceannet Software

Nha Le Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Nha Le Current Workplace



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Nha Le Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Nha Le

Nha Le is a Quality Control Engineer at Oceannet Software based in Bonsall, California. Previously, Nha was a QC Engineer at Propzy and also held positions at Creative Resources Solutions.Explore more

Nha Le Current Workplace

Oceannet Software

2023-present (2 years)

Oceannet Software provides leading-edge, yet practical solutions to its customers with the advantage they seek to succeed over their competition. Our customers are our partners, collaborating with us in the development of solutions that directly add value to their business to drive their ongoing success. Smooth communication is the key to success in software outsourcing projects. Oceannet Software's approach in delivering value to our customers is based on: Being customer-driven, relying and encouraging open and frank communication. Proven Agile Test-First-Driven development process. Skilled and experienced team of professionals. Our offerings are divided into four groups - offshore software development, website design and development, social network solutions, and e-commerce solutions. We have extensive knowledge in technologies like Microsoft.NET, C#, VB.NET, ASP, ASP.NET, Java, PHP, and Ruby/Ruby On Rail and can deliver leading-edge solutions that can satisfy any requirements. SolutSee more

Nha Le Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Quality Control Engineer

Titan Technology Company


QC Engineer



Org Chart - Oceannet Software


Quality Control Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nha Le

What company does Nha Le work for?
Nha Le works for Oceannet Software as Quality Control Engineer
What is Nha Le’s role in Oceannet Software?
Nha Le’s role in Oceannet Software is Quality Control Engineer
What is Nha Le’s email address?
Nha Le’s email address is l***@oceannetsoft.com
What is Nha Le’s business email address?
Nha Le’s business email address is l***@oceannetsoft.com
What is Nha Le’s direct phone number?
Nha Le’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nha Le’s work phone number?
Nha Le’s headquarters phone number is (760) 301-6870
What is Nha Le’s latest job experience?
Nha Le’s latest job experience is Quality Control Engineer at Titan Technology Company
Which industry does Nha Le work in?
Nha Le works in the industry of Software General, Software.
Who are Nha Le’s peers at other companies?
Nha Le’s peers at other companies are Rola Shunnaq, Motaseem. Alqudah, Quynh Phuong, Ramakant Ahirwar, Ahmed Mohsen.
Who are Nha Le’s colleagues?
Some of Nha Le’s colleagues are Tung Vu.
How can I contact Nha Le?
Nha Le contact details: Email address: l***@oceannetsoft.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nha Le?

Nha Le is a Quality Control Engineer at Oceannet Software based in Bonsall, California. Previously, Nha was a QC Engineer at Propzy and also held positions at Creative Resources Solutions.... Read More

Where is Nha Le based?
Nha Le works for Oceannet Software, located at United States
See more information about Nha Le

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