Netanya Chan

Optometrist at International Eye Cataract Retina Centre

Netanya Chan Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Netanya Chan Current Workplace


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Netanya Chan Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Netanya Chan

Netanya Chan is an Optometrist at International Eye Cataract Retina Centre based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Netanya was an Optometrist at Pearl's VisionCare and also held positions at Singapore Eye & Vision, Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks, Yayoi.Explore more

Netanya Chan Current Workplace

We are a one-stop comprehensive eye specialist centre which provides quality eye care services and treatment. Our centre's ophthalmologists are internationally renowned and experienced eye specialists Dr Au Eong Kah Guan, Dr Elaine Huang and Dr Ajeet Madhav Wagle. We utilise cutting-edge medical technology and premium medical products to deliver exceptional eye care in two modern Singapore hospitals, Mount Elizabeth Hospital and Farrer Park Hospital. Our two branches are located in Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre and Farrer Park Medical Centre, Connexion. Our eye surgeons have a special interest in managing cataract as well as routine and complex retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, myopic macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal tear, lattice degeneration, retinal detachment and epiretinal membrane. They also treat patients with glaucoma, dry eye, blepharitis, myopia, contact lens complications and pterygium. Our ophthalmologists are supported by a dediSee more

Netanya Chan Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Pearl's VisionCare



Singapore Eye & Vision


Service Crew

KOI Café


Food Server



Org Chart - International Eye Cataract Retina Centre






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Netanya Chan

What company does Netanya Chan work for?
Netanya Chan works for International Eye Cataract Retina Centre as Optometrist
What is Netanya Chan’s role in International Eye Cataract Retina Centre?
Netanya Chan’s role in International Eye Cataract Retina Centre is Optometrist
What is Netanya Chan’s direct phone number?
Netanya Chan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Netanya Chan’s work phone number?
Netanya Chan’s headquarters phone number is +65 64432020
What is Netanya Chan’s latest job experience?
Netanya Chan’s latest job experience is Optometrist at Pearl's VisionCare
Which industry does Netanya Chan work in?
Netanya Chan works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Netanya Chan’s peers at other companies?
Netanya Chan’s peers at other companies are Cynthia Franco, Marianne Komro, Ashley Rieple, Alyssa Putman, Shreeya Shetye.
Who are Netanya Chan’s colleagues?
Some of Netanya Chan’s colleagues are Ajeet Wagle, Au Guan, Nadia Abanour, Kah Au Eong.
Who is Netanya Chan?

Netanya Chan is an Optometrist at International Eye Cataract Retina Centre based in Singapore, Central Singapore. Previously, Netanya was an Optometrist at Pearl's VisionCare and also held positions at Singapore Eye & Vision, Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks, Yayoi.... Read More

Where is Netanya Chan based?
Netanya Chan works for International Eye Cataract Retina Centre, located at Singapore
See more information about Netanya Chan

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