
Nereida Bahena

Senior Accountant at Bixby Land

Nereida Bahena Email & Phone number


(949) ***-****

Nereida Bahena Current Workplace


Bixby Land


Phone Number

Number of Employees


About Nereida Bahena

Nereida Bahena is a Senior Accountant at Bixby Land based in Newport Beach, California.

Nereida Bahena Current Workplace

Bixby Land

2008-present (17 years)

Bixby Land Company is a leading commercial real estate owner, operator, and investment manager with over $1 billion of assets under management. The company develops and invests in industrial, office and R&D properties throughout the United States. For 125 years, Bixby Land Company has been committed to adding value for its shareholders and investors.

Org Chart - Bixby Land

Nereida Bahena

Senior Accountant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nereida Bahena

What company does Nereida Bahena work for?
Nereida Bahena works for Bixby Land as Senior Accountant
What is Nereida Bahena’s role in Bixby Land?
Nereida Bahena’s role in Bixby Land is Senior Accountant
What is Nereida Bahena’s email address?
Nereida Bahena’s email address is n***@bixbyland.com
What is Nereida Bahena’s business email address?
Nereida Bahena’s business email address is n***@bixbyland.com
What is Nereida Bahena’s direct phone number?
Nereida Bahena’s direct phone number is (949) ***-****
What is Nereida Bahena’s work phone number?
Nereida Bahena’s headquarters phone number is (949) 336-7000
Which industry does Nereida Bahena work in?
Nereida Bahena works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Nereida Bahena’s peers at other companies?
Nereida Bahena’s peers at other companies are Scott Weiss, Jim Fayad, Michelle Carpenter, Adrian Woodley, Madelyn May.
Who are Nereida Bahena’s colleagues?
Some of Nereida Bahena’s colleagues are Jessica De La Hunt, Natalie Naranjo, Brett Obuljen, Michael Severson.
How can I contact Nereida Bahena?
Nereida Bahena contact details: Email address: n***@bixbyland.com Phone number: (949) ***-****
Who is Nereida Bahena?

Nereida Bahena is a Senior Accountant at Bixby Land based in Newport Beach, California....

Where is Nereida Bahena based?
Nereida Bahena works for Bixby Land, located at United States