
Nelida Barcenas

Assistant Director, Facilities Management at Uhtx

Nelida Barcenas Email & Phone number

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(210) ***-****

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About Nelida Barcenas

Nelida Barcenas is an Assistant Director, Facilities Management at Uhtx based in San Jose, California.Explore more

Nelida Barcenas Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

UHTX serves the complete computer networking and equipment needs of startups, small to medium size businesses, educational institutions, and government organizations. We are able to offer complete business solutions, including LAN, WLAN, WAN, MAN, and SAN. With key components from leading vendor partners like Cisco, Intel, Extreme, Nortel, Brocade, Compaq, HP, and IBM, we can create cutting-edge computer and networking solutions to help you gain the competitive edge. In addition, we support all your basic office and presentation requirements. With our online web store, we can provide a constantly updated catalog of products for you to browse and buy at any time. If you can't find a product on our web store, give us a call and we will be happy to assist you. All orders placed by our online ordering system are guaranteed secured with 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption.

Org Chart - Uhtx


Assistant Director, Facilities Mana...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nelida Barcenas

What company does Nelida Barcenas work for?
Nelida Barcenas works for Uhtx as Assistant Director, Facilities Management
What is Nelida Barcenas’s role in Uhtx?
Nelida Barcenas’s role in Uhtx is Assistant Director, Facilities Management
What is Nelida Barcenas’s email address?
Nelida Barcenas’s email address is n***@uhtx.com
What is Nelida Barcenas’s business email address?
Nelida Barcenas’s business email address is n***@uhtx.com
What is Nelida Barcenas’s direct phone number?
Nelida Barcenas’s direct phone number is (210) ***-****
Which industry does Nelida Barcenas work in?
Nelida Barcenas works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Nelida Barcenas’s peers at other companies?
Nelida Barcenas’s peers at other companies are Margaret Lee, Marium Abid, Roger Goforth, Aakash Gabol, Stacee Monce.
Who are Nelida Barcenas’s colleagues?
Some of Nelida Barcenas’s colleagues are Jose Olvera, Eileen Hernandez Chavez, Jeanine Samer, Karen Urbano Ornelas.
How can I contact Nelida Barcenas?
Nelida Barcenas contact details: Email address: n***@uhtx.com Phone number: (210) ***-****
Who is Nelida Barcenas?

Nelida Barcenas is an Assistant Director, Facilities Management at Uhtx based in San Jose, California.... Read More

Where is Nelida Barcenas based?
Nelida Barcenas works for Uhtx, located at United States
See more information about Nelida Barcenas

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