Nektaria Kleopoulos

Digital Marketing Specialist at Hamra Jewelers

Nektaria Kleopoulos Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Nektaria Kleopoulos Current Workplace



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Nektaria Kleopoulos Work Experience Summary

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About Nektaria Kleopoulos

Nektaria Kleopoulos is a digital marketing specialist based in Scottsdale, United States, currently serving as the Digital Marketing Specialist at Hamra Jewelers. With a wealth of experience as the Founder of &, they have honed their skills in photography and digital marketing, delivering exceptional results for their clients.Prior to their current role, Nektaria held the position of Photographer at Nektaria Photos, where they were responsible for capturing stunning imagery and creating visually compelling content. Their passion for visual storytelling and expertise in digital marketing have been instrumental in their success.In addition to their professional accomplishments, Nektaria is a licensed Real Estate Agent, further demonstrating their diverse skill set and commitment to continuous learning and growth. With their diverse background and proven track record, Nektaria is a valuable asset to the Hamra Jewelers team, driving innovation and deliRead more

Nektaria Kleopoulos Current Workplace

Hamra Jewelers

2024-present (8 months)

Hamra Jewelers is committed to building trusting and lasting relationships with our customers. This includes being there beyond the sale. Whether you need a new clasp on a bracelet, a ring sized, or a diamond set, you can always count on us to assist you with your service needs. If you haven't had your jewelry appraised, we highly recommend you come to Hamra Jewelers to have it documented in detail. Having your pieces professionally appraised will allow you to have a separate insurance covering the full value of your fine jewelry. Hamra Jewelers appraisals can also be used for situations such as; estate tax evaluation, value comparison, casualty loss, dissolution of marriage (divorce), collateral and barter purposes. We also recommend Jewelers Mutual Insurance. It is the only insurance company that specializes in protecting jewelers and the personal jewelry of the United States. Founded in 1913, Jewelers Mutual licensed in all 50 states, insures personal jewelry of more than 100,000 peSee more

Nektaria Kleopoulos Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Marketing

K Sahai


Digital Marketing Specialist




Nektaria Photos


Manager, Social Media



Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


Kleas Marketing


Org Chart - Hamra Jewelers


Digital Marketing Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nektaria Kleopoulos

What company does Nektaria Kleopoulos work for?
Nektaria Kleopoulos works for Hamra Jewelers as Digital Marketing Specialist
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s role in Hamra Jewelers?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s role in Hamra Jewelers is Digital Marketing Specialist
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s email address?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s email address is n***
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s business email address?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s business email address is n***
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s direct phone number?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s work phone number?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s headquarters phone number is (480) 946-5110
What is Nektaria Kleopoulos’s latest job experience?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s latest job experience is Director, Marketing at K Sahai
Which industry does Nektaria Kleopoulos work in?
Nektaria Kleopoulos works in the industry of Jewelry & Watch Retail, Retail.
Who are Nektaria Kleopoulos’s peers at other companies?
Nektaria Kleopoulos’s peers at other companies are Akash Masih, Koyya Reddy, Paula Palacios, Allie Blain, Aakash Ojha.
Who are Nektaria Kleopoulos’s colleagues?
Some of Nektaria Kleopoulos’s colleagues are Bill Gunter, Paul Hamra, Kimberlie Shea, Patrice Jenson.
How can I contact Nektaria Kleopoulos?
Nektaria Kleopoulos contact details: Email address: n*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nektaria Kleopoulos?

Nektaria Kleopoulos is a digital marketing specialist based in Scottsdale, United States, currently serving as the Digital Marketing Specialist at Hamra Jewelers. With a wealth of experience as the Founder of &, they have honed their skills in photography and digital marketing, delivering exceptional results fo... r their clients.Prior to their current role, Nektaria held the position of Photographer at Nektaria Photos, where they were responsible for capturing stunning imagery and creating visually compelling content. Their passion for visual storytelling and expertise in digital marketing have been instrumental in their success.In addition to their professional accomplishments, Nektaria is a licensed Real Estate Agent, further demonstrating their diverse skill set and commitment to continuous learning and growth. With their diverse background and proven track record, Nektaria is a valuable asset to the Hamra Jewelers team, driving innovation and delivering impactful digital marketing strategies.Read More

Where is Nektaria Kleopoulos based?
Nektaria Kleopoulos works for Hamra Jewelers, located at United States
See more information about Nektaria Kleopoulos

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