Nayara Bragason

Case Support Specialist at D4u Immigration

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Nayara Bragason Work Experience Summary

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About Nayara Bragason

Nayara Bragason is a Case Support Specialist at D4u Immigration. In their current role, they are responsible for providing comprehensive support to clients navigating the complex immigration process. With a strong background in the legal field, Nayara has honed their skills in legal research, client communication, and case management.Prior to joining D4u Immigration, Nayara held the position of Case Manager at Falcão Group, where they demonstrated a keen ability to navigate intricate legal matters and advocate for their clients' best interests. Their experience in the legal industry has equipped them with a deep understanding of the nuances of the law and a commitment to ethical and transparent practices.Nayara's professional journey began with an internship at the Núcleo de Primeiro Atendimento do Juizado Especial Cível in their home county, where they gained valuable hands-on experience in the judicial system. They later graduated from the Faculdade Cenecista de Rio das Ostras in 201Read more

Nayara Bragason Current Workplace

D4u Immigration

2024-present (4 months)

A D4U Immigration tem atuação única no segmento. Com equipe multidisciplinar e capacitada para as diferentes necessidades do imigrante, a consultoria vencedora do Legal Awards 2021, 2022 e 2023 tem arrojo em criar estratégias que fazem sentido para o cliente e para a imigração, com comprometimento à história de cada cliente. Nossa trajetória de sucesso ao longo de oito anos e um índice de aprovação de 99% para Green Card provam o quanto a D4U é responsável por cada pleito imigratório. + de 9 mil clientes beneficiados! Disclaimer: We do not provide legal advice. We work with your legal counsel of choice and provide non-legal consulting services on business and related items for those people attempting to obtain a Green Card and move to the United States.

Nayara Bragason Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Case Manager

Falcão Group


Advogada Proprietária

Lima & Bragason Advocacia


Advogada Plena

Antonieto, Guimaraes & Firmo - Advogados associados


Estagiário Jurídico

Costa e Sá Imóveis e Condomínios


Org Chart - D4u Immigration


Case Support Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nayara Bragason

What company does Nayara Bragason work for?
Nayara Bragason works for D4u Immigration as Case Support Specialist
What is Nayara Bragason’s role in D4u Immigration?
Nayara Bragason’s role in D4u Immigration is Case Support Specialist
What is Nayara Bragason’s email address?
Nayara Bragason’s email address is n***@d4uimmigration.com
What is Nayara Bragason’s business email address?
Nayara Bragason’s business email address is n***@d4uimmigration.com
What is Nayara Bragason’s direct phone number?
Nayara Bragason’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nayara Bragason’s latest job experience?
Nayara Bragason’s latest job experience is Case Manager at Falcão Group
Which industry does Nayara Bragason work in?
Nayara Bragason works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Nayara Bragason’s peers at other companies?
Nayara Bragason’s peers at other companies are Keefer Novik, Emilyn Prado, Angelica Castillo.
Who are Nayara Bragason’s colleagues?
Some of Nayara Bragason’s colleagues are Milena Ootuca, Andressa Stancov, Bruna Moitinho, Élisson Felix.
How can I contact Nayara Bragason?
Nayara Bragason contact details: Email address: n***@d4uimmigration.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nayara Bragason?

Nayara Bragason is a Case Support Specialist at D4u Immigration. In their current role, they are responsible for providing comprehensive support to clients navigating the complex immigration process. With a strong background in the legal field, Nayara has honed their skills in legal research, client communication, and case management.Prior to joini... ng D4u Immigration, Nayara held the position of Case Manager at Falcão Group, where they demonstrated a keen ability to navigate intricate legal matters and advocate for their clients' best interests. Their experience in the legal industry has equipped them with a deep understanding of the nuances of the law and a commitment to ethical and transparent practices.Nayara's professional journey began with an internship at the Núcleo de Primeiro Atendimento do Juizado Especial Cível in their home county, where they gained valuable hands-on experience in the judicial system. They later graduated from the Faculdade Cenecista de Rio das Ostras in 2018 and passed the XXV Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB/RJ) exam that same year, earning their license to practice law in Rio de Janeiro. Nayara has also completed a postgraduate degree in Consumer Protection and Defense from the Universidade Candido Mendes and holds a certification in the General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD) from Data Privacy Brasil.Read More

Where is Nayara Bragason based?
Nayara Bragason works for D4u Immigration, located at Brazil
See more information about Nayara Bragason

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