
Naresh Deevi

Associate-Partner at Husys

Naresh Deevi Email & Phone number

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+91 ** **** ****

Naresh Deevi Current Workplace





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Naresh Deevi Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Naresh Deevi

Naresh Deevi is an Associate-Partner at Husys based in Prakashamnagar, Telangana. Previously, Naresh was an Associte Partners at eYantra Industries Pvt.Explore more

Naresh Deevi Current Workplace


2004-present (21 years)

Husys is a young organization established and running successfully for over two decades providing End to End Human Resource Development services to organizations and to society at large from across the globe. As an HR Function Management Company with international exposure, we as a team of HR consulting professionals are enthused with energy to deliver the best HR solutions to organizations for reaching their business goals. Our objective is to emerge as a global leader in providing one stop solutions for all types of Human Resource challenges being faced by corporate entities of this century. Husys within a short spell of time has earned reputation as one of the premier organization in the HR realm as a provider of HR solutions to diverse companies ranging from Small and Medium Sized Enterprises or SMEs to large corporate that included Fortune 500 companies. Our goal is to ensure professionalization of highest standards by providing services/solutions that are customized, cost effectiSee more

Naresh Deevi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associte Partners

eYantra Industries Pvt




Masters - Business Administration

Org Chart - Husys






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Naresh Deevi

What company does Naresh Deevi work for?
Naresh Deevi works for Husys as Associate-Partner
What is Naresh Deevi’s role in Husys?
Naresh Deevi’s role in Husys is Associate-Partner
What is Naresh Deevi’s email address?
Naresh Deevi’s email address is n***@husys.net
What is Naresh Deevi’s business email address?
Naresh Deevi’s business email address is n***@husys.net
What is Naresh Deevi’s direct phone number?
Naresh Deevi’s direct phone number is +91 ** **** ****
What is Naresh Deevi’s work phone number?
Naresh Deevi’s headquarters phone number is +91 7204012636
What is Naresh Deevi’s latest job experience?
Naresh Deevi’s latest job experience is Associte Partners at eYantra Industries Pvt
Which industry does Naresh Deevi work in?
Naresh Deevi works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Naresh Deevi’s peers at other companies?
Naresh Deevi’s peers at other companies are Dinesh Gurupur, Jane McCracken, Sarah Gustat, Nancy Fairbrother, Ajay Pattem.
Who are Naresh Deevi’s colleagues?
Some of Naresh Deevi’s colleagues are Neelakshi Rajadhyaksha, Sudhakar Kumar, Thanmai Suri, Saritha Pandurangi.
How can I contact Naresh Deevi?
Naresh Deevi contact details: Email address: n***@husys.net Phone number: +91 ** **** ****
Who is Naresh Deevi?

Naresh Deevi is an Associate-Partner at Husys based in Prakashamnagar, Telangana. Previously, Naresh was an Associte Partners at eYantra Industries Pvt.... Read More

Where is Naresh Deevi based?
Naresh Deevi works for Husys, located at India
See more information about Naresh Deevi

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