Nansi Bagnato

Manager, Front Office at True Property

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(***) ***-****

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About Nansi Bagnato

Nansi Bagnato works as a Manager, Front Office at True Property, which is a Real Estate company with an estimated 14 employees. They are part of Operations Department and their management level is Manager. Nansi is currently based in Australia. Found email listings include: @trueproperty.com.au.Explore more

Nansi Bagnato Current Workplace

True Property

2021-present (4 years)

True Property specializes in managing and selling real estate in Sydney's inner west, offering extensive services for rental properties, property management, and sales. Their team focuses on providing quality tenancies to maximize investment returns and features a range of properties for lease and sale. They cater to both landlords seeking to manage their properties and buyers looking to acquire real estate. True Property is dedicated to delivering high-quality service, supported by their service guarantees and client testimonials.

Org Chart - True Property


Manager, Front Office




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nansi Bagnato

What company does Nansi Bagnato work for?
Nansi Bagnato works for True Property as Manager, Front Office
What is Nansi Bagnato’s role in True Property?
Nansi Bagnato’s role in True Property is Manager, Front Office
What is Nansi Bagnato’s email address?
Nansi Bagnato’s email address is n***@trueproperty.com.au
What is Nansi Bagnato’s business email address?
Nansi Bagnato’s business email address is n***@trueproperty.com.au
What is Nansi Bagnato’s direct phone number?
Nansi Bagnato’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nansi Bagnato’s work phone number?
Nansi Bagnato’s headquarters phone number is +61 285072444
Which industry does Nansi Bagnato work in?
Nansi Bagnato works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Nansi Bagnato’s peers at other companies?
Nansi Bagnato’s peers at other companies are Allanalee Faithfull, Ella Mayas, Donal Zhi TEE, Sandra Smith, Mary Purtle.
Who are Nansi Bagnato’s colleagues?
Some of Nansi Bagnato’s colleagues are Antonella Longo, Eden Farlow, Shirley Holtham, Michael Catalano.
How can I contact Nansi Bagnato?
Nansi Bagnato contact details: Email address: n***@trueproperty.com.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Nansi Bagnato based?
Nansi Bagnato works for True Property, located at Australia
See more information about Nansi Bagnato

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