Namal Peiris

Chief Executive Officer at International Construction Consortium

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Namal Peiris Work Experience Summary

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About Namal Peiris

Namal Peiris is a Chief Executive Officer at International Construction Consortium based in Nugegoda, Western. Previously, Namal was a Chief Executive Officer at Redcube.lk. Namal received a MBA degree from University of Colombo.Explore more

Namal Peiris Current Workplace

ICC, apart from its CONSTRUCTION capability, owns and operates the following UNITS which are complementary to the Construction Industry (a) A READY MIX CONCRETE MANUFACTURE & SUPPLY UNIT (b) A PRESTRESSED AND PRECAST CONCRETE YARD, (c) QUARRY AND CRUSHER Operations, (d) A JOINERY WORKSHOP (e) ASPHALT CONCRETE MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY UNIT and (f) CONCRETE BLOCK PRODUCTION UNIT. ICC which has the ISO 9001: 2008 accreditation has been classified by CIDA, a Sri Lankan Government Authority, which is responsible for grading and regulating of all building and civil engineering contractors in Sri Lanka with the highest grading available (CS2) for the 4 major disciplines of the construction industry namely Buildings,Water Supply & Drainage, Highways and Bridges. Further we have our footprint in the Republic of Maldives as a registered Foreign Contractor (FC-0016/2011) by the Ministry of Economic Development and a re-registered Foreign Company. ICC has also been recognized as a Grade 01 ContracSee more

Namal Peiris Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer






University of Colombo

Org Chart - International Construction Consortium

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Namal Peiris

What company does Namal Peiris work for?
Namal Peiris works for International Construction Consortium as Chief Executive Officer
What is Namal Peiris’s role in International Construction Consortium?
Namal Peiris’s role in International Construction Consortium is Chief Executive Officer
What is Namal Peiris’s email address?
Namal Peiris’s email address is n***@icc-construct.com
What is Namal Peiris’s business email address?
Namal Peiris’s business email address is n***@icc-construct.com
What is Namal Peiris’s direct phone number?
Namal Peiris’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Namal Peiris’s work phone number?
Namal Peiris’s headquarters phone number is +94 114400600
What is Namal Peiris’s latest job experience?
Namal Peiris’s latest job experience is Chief Executive Officer at Redcube.lk
What is Namal Peiris’s latest education?
Namal Peiris’s latest education in MBA at University of Colombo
Which industry does Namal Peiris work in?
Namal Peiris works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Namal Peiris’s peers at other companies?
Namal Peiris’s peers at other companies are Charles DeLaTorre, Yousef Al Yacoub, Sk Habib, Ryan Roush, Hayden Wadsworth.
Who are Namal Peiris’s colleagues?
Some of Namal Peiris’s colleagues are Pradeep Adhikari, Breena Vincent, Chamith Munasingha, Pasindu Samarawickrama.
How can I contact Namal Peiris?
Namal Peiris contact details: Email address: n***@icc-construct.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Namal Peiris?

Namal Peiris is a Chief Executive Officer at International Construction Consortium based in Nugegoda, Western. Previously, Namal was a Chief Executive Officer at Redcube.lk. Namal received a MBA degree from University of Colombo.... Read More

Where is Namal Peiris based?
Namal Peiris works for International Construction Consortium, located at Sri Lanka
Who is International Construction Consortium’s Chief Executive Officer?
International Construction Consortium's Chief Executive Officer is Namal Peiris
See more information about Namal Peiris

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