
Nadine Doiron

Regional Technical Assistance Specialist at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Nadine Doiron Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Nadine Doiron Work Experience Summary

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About Nadine Doiron

Nadine Doiron is a Regional Technical Assistance Specialist at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration based in Washington, D.C., District of Columbia. Previously, Nadine was a Graduate Student Instructor at University of Southern Mississippi and also held positions at Our City Forest. Nadine received a master's degree degree from USM's School of Ocean Sciences and Engineering.Explore more

Nadine Doiron Current Workplace

Welcome! We're the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration or NOAA.From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, our products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of Americas gross domestic product. NOAAs dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.*Looking for your official local weather forecast? Enter your zip code at www.weather.gov or mobile.weather.gov for mobile device users.*Interested in working for NOAA? Search for NOAA openings at USAjobs.gov, and visit www.careers.noaa.gov.*Visit us on the Web at www.noaa.gov or via your mobile device at noaa.gov/mobile.On Twitter: @NOAAOn Facebook: www.facebook.com/noaaOn Instagram: www. instagram.com/noaaOn YouTube: www.youtube.com/noaaSee more

Nadine Doiron Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Graduate Student Instructor

University of Southern Mississippi


Graduate Research Assistant

University of Southern Mississippi


Americorps Member

Our City Forest




master's degree

USM's School of Ocean Sciences and Engineering
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Digital Coast Fellow

Alaska Geospatial Council


Org Chart - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Regional Technical Assistance Speci...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nadine Doiron

What company does Nadine Doiron work for?
Nadine Doiron works for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as Regional Technical Assistance Specialist
What is Nadine Doiron’s role in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?
Nadine Doiron’s role in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is Regional Technical Assistance Specialist
What is Nadine Doiron’s email address?
Nadine Doiron’s email address is n***@noaa.gov
What is Nadine Doiron’s business email address?
Nadine Doiron’s business email address is n***@noaa.gov
What is Nadine Doiron’s direct phone number?
Nadine Doiron’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nadine Doiron’s work phone number?
Nadine Doiron’s headquarters phone number is (301) 713-0500
What is Nadine Doiron’s latest job experience?
Nadine Doiron’s latest job experience is Graduate Student Instructor at University of Southern Mississippi
What is Nadine Doiron’s latest education?
Nadine Doiron’s latest education in master's degree at USM's School of Ocean Sciences and Engineering
Which industry does Nadine Doiron work in?
Nadine Doiron works in the industry of Government.
Who are Nadine Doiron’s colleagues?
Some of Nadine Doiron’s colleagues are Adam Dilts, James Battin, Joshua Burgess, Kenneth Casey.
How can I contact Nadine Doiron?
Nadine Doiron contact details: Email address: n***@noaa.gov Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nadine Doiron?

Nadine Doiron is a Regional Technical Assistance Specialist at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration based in Washington, D.C., District of Columbia. Previously, Nadine was a Graduate Student Instructor at University of Southern Mississippi and also held positions at Our City Forest. Nadine received a master's degree degree from USM's S... chool of Ocean Sciences and Engineering.Read More

Where is Nadine Doiron based?
Nadine Doiron works for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, located at United States
See more information about Nadine Doiron

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