Nader Masrour

Field Account Executive at Lightspeed

Nader Masrour Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Nader Masrour Work Experience Summary

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About Nader Masrour

Nader Masrour is a Field Account Executive at Lightspeed based in Montreal, Quebec. Previously, Nader was an Account Manager at Lightspeed and also held positions at Scout Talent, Point Advisory, The Victorian Cleantech Cluster, Baha'i, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, University of Houston.Explore more

Nader Masrour Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

Lightspeed Commerce Inc. engages in sale of cloud-based software subscriptions and payments solutions for single and multilocation retailers, restaurants, golf course operators, and other businesses in North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and internationally. Its software platform enables customers to engage with consumers, manage operations, accept payments, and grow business. The company's cloud platform is designed around interrelated elements, such as omni-channel consumer experience, a comprehensive back-office operations management suite to improve customers' efficiency and insight, and the facilitation of payments. Its platform functionalities include full omni-channel capabilities, point of sale (POS), product and menu management, employee and inventory management comprising ordering, analytics and reporting, multi-location connectivity, order anywhere and curbside pickup functionality, loyalty, and customer management solutions. The company also oSee more

Nader Masrour Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Account Manager



Business Development Representative



Account Executive

Scout Talent


Solar Consultant

Light & Energy Conservation Australia


Org Chart - Lightspeed


Field Account Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nader Masrour

What company does Nader Masrour work for?
Nader Masrour works for Lightspeed as Field Account Executive
What is Nader Masrour’s role in Lightspeed?
Nader Masrour’s role in Lightspeed is Field Account Executive
What is Nader Masrour’s email address?
Nader Masrour’s email address is n***@lightspeedhq.com
What is Nader Masrour’s business email address?
Nader Masrour’s business email address is n***@lightspeedhq.com
What is Nader Masrour’s direct phone number?
Nader Masrour’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nader Masrour’s work phone number?
Nader Masrour’s headquarters phone number is (514) 907-1801
What is Nader Masrour’s latest job experience?
Nader Masrour’s latest job experience is Account Manager at Lightspeed
Which industry does Nader Masrour work in?
Nader Masrour works in the industry of Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Nader Masrour’s peers at other companies?
Nader Masrour’s peers at other companies are Matthew Wiebe, Allison Barrett, Tyler Vincent, Dan Briney, Liam McElaney.
Who are Nader Masrour’s colleagues?
Some of Nader Masrour’s colleagues are Metasebia Lakew, Deanne Hodges, Rashmi Ramabhadran, Jiana Khazma.
How can I contact Nader Masrour?
Nader Masrour contact details: Email address: n***@lightspeedhq.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Nader Masrour?

Nader Masrour is a Field Account Executive at Lightspeed based in Montreal, Quebec. Previously, Nader was an Account Manager at Lightspeed and also held positions at Scout Talent, Point Advisory, The Victorian Cleantech Cluster, Baha'i, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, University of Houston.... Read More

Where is Nader Masrour based?
Nader Masrour works for Lightspeed, located at Canada
See more information about Nader Masrour

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