Nadeen Dayeh

Retail Sales Associate at Visionworks

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(***) ***-****

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Nadeen Dayeh Work Experience Summary

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About Nadeen Dayeh

Nadeen Dayeh is a Retail Sales Associate at Visionworks based in San Antonio, Texas. Previously, Nadeen was an Optometric Technician at Round Rock Vision and also held positions at Limelight Photo Studio, PVH, Best Buy, Visionworks.Explore more

Nadeen Dayeh Current Workplace


2021-present (3 years)

Visionworks has been a retailer that cares deeply about providing fashionable, quality eyewear and comprehensive eye examinations to every customer that comes to find their perfect vision and perfect frame. Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, Visionworks is one of the largest retail optical chains in the U.S., operating over 700 locations in 41 states and the District of Columbia.With a strong emphasis on the importance of regular, annual eye exams, Visionworks encourages the health and wellness of every customer. With the ability to diagnose vision acuity and detect common health problems like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, Visionworks believes the health of ones eyes should be a top priority. And with qualified doctors at or near every location, Visionworks is prepared to deliver needed eye exams for all those looking to care for their eye health.Whether providing eye exams or showcasing the thousands of frame choices in-store and online, Visionworks provides a compreSee more

Nadeen Dayeh Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Optometric Technician

Round Rock Vision


Floor Supervisor



Appliance Sales Associate & Interpreter

Best Buy


Retail Sales Associate (Seasonal)



Org Chart - Visionworks


Retail Sales Associate




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nadeen Dayeh

What company does Nadeen Dayeh work for?
Nadeen Dayeh works for Visionworks as Retail Sales Associate
What is Nadeen Dayeh’s role in Visionworks?
Nadeen Dayeh’s role in Visionworks is Retail Sales Associate
What is Nadeen Dayeh’s direct phone number?
Nadeen Dayeh’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Nadeen Dayeh’s work phone number?
Nadeen Dayeh’s headquarters phone number is (800) 669-1183
What is Nadeen Dayeh’s latest job experience?
Nadeen Dayeh’s latest job experience is Optometric Technician at Round Rock Vision
Which industry does Nadeen Dayeh work in?
Nadeen Dayeh works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Nadeen Dayeh’s peers at other companies?
Nadeen Dayeh’s peers at other companies are Glenda Kluckman, Quinn Rickard, Karen Lopez, Eva Falino, Oceana Brown.
Who are Nadeen Dayeh’s colleagues?
Some of Nadeen Dayeh’s colleagues are Larry Kopansky, Lemanuel Levell, Jesse Lucero, Jason Dhaliwal.
Who is Nadeen Dayeh?

Nadeen Dayeh is a Retail Sales Associate at Visionworks based in San Antonio, Texas. Previously, Nadeen was an Optometric Technician at Round Rock Vision and also held positions at Limelight Photo Studio, PVH, Best Buy, Visionworks.... Read More

Where is Nadeen Dayeh based?
Nadeen Dayeh works for Visionworks, located at United States
See more information about Nadeen Dayeh

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