2023-present (2 years)
Muriel Lopez Email & Phone number
Muriel Lopez Current Workplace
700 University Ave Fl 7, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z5, Canada
Phone Number
(416) 946-2380
Number of Employees
Muriel Lopez Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
2Last Update 12/10/2024 5:23 AM
About Muriel Lopez
Muriel Lopez works at Toronto Regional Cancer Program, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 24 employees. Their management level is Non-Manager. Muriel is currently based in Ontario. They used to work at University Health Network and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Found email listings include: @rmp.uhn.ca, @rmp.uhn.on.ca,and @uhn.ca.Explore more
Muriel Lopez Current Workplace
Toronto Regional Cancer Program
Regional Cancer Programs are responsible for implementing provincial standards and programs for cancer care as outlined in the Ontario Cancer Plan, and ensuring service providers meet the requirements and targets set out in their partnership agreements with Cancer Care Ontario. In order to fulfill this responsibility, we have a variety of regional committees to respond to local cancer issues, coordinate care across local and regional healthcare providers, and to continually improve access to care, wait times and quality. We have two large cancer centres, the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at the University Health Network and the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre as well as five partner hospitals and community partners that provide and/or support cancer care in the community. The TRCP also actively interacts with neighbouring cancer programs, linking patient traffic patterns, specialized services, and regional/provincial programs. TRCP South Annual Reports
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Muriel Lopez Regional Aboriginal Program Coordinator
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