Munesh Kumar

Manager, Front Office at Apple Hotels Pvt

Munesh Kumar Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Munesh Kumar Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Munesh Kumar Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Munesh Kumar

Munesh Kumar is a Manager, Front Office at Apple Hotels Pvt based in Nariman Point, Maharashtra. Previously, Munesh was a Front Office Assistant & Manager at Spree Hospitality and also held positions at Crimson Hotels, Treehouse Hotels Resorts and Serviced Apartments (Karma Hospitality., Lemon Tree Hotels, India, Sparrow Inn by MGB Hotels, Jaipur.org.uk, Jaypee Hotels.Explore more

Munesh Kumar Current Workplace

Apple Hotels Pvt

2024-present (11 months)

We Offer the smart value for deliberating location. Hassel- free check- in and check- out. We believe in transparency so our billing is also very transparent and there is no hidden cost included in it. 7 Apple is thoughtfully planned to present extreme functionality to our guests. Prompt service, easy connectivity, real-world charm and courteous staff are the hall mark of our service. Our staff are always willing to walk the extra mile for you. 7 Apple Hotels Pvt. Ltd. is a new entrant in the smart value hotel segment with smart bed, bath and breakfast concept. Our key proposition is to offer you an amazing price for a memorable night in a warm, comfortable bed after a hard day at work. Our strategic vision is to own and operate smart value hotels at strategic locations, across India. The focus is on offering simple, standardized and consistent service at all 7 Apple smart value properties.

Munesh Kumar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Front Office Assistant & Manager

Spree Hospitality


Duty Manager

Swami Vivekananda Subharti University, Meerut


Duty Manager

Svasti Hospitality LLP


Front Office Executive

Crimson Hotels


Org Chart - Apple Hotels Pvt


Manager, Front Office




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Munesh Kumar

What company does Munesh Kumar work for?
Munesh Kumar works for Apple Hotels Pvt as Manager, Front Office
What is Munesh Kumar’s role in Apple Hotels Pvt?
Munesh Kumar’s role in Apple Hotels Pvt is Manager, Front Office
What is Munesh Kumar’s direct phone number?
Munesh Kumar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Munesh Kumar’s work phone number?
Munesh Kumar’s headquarters phone number is +91 7798981905
What is Munesh Kumar’s latest job experience?
Munesh Kumar’s latest job experience is Front Office Assistant & Manager at Spree Hospitality
Which industry does Munesh Kumar work in?
Munesh Kumar works in the industry of Lodging & Resorts, Hospitality.
Who are Munesh Kumar’s peers at other companies?
Munesh Kumar’s peers at other companies are Mindy Joseph, Abigail Zaleske, Jimmy Pierre, Daniel Montolio, Russ Shahani.
Who are Munesh Kumar’s colleagues?
Some of Munesh Kumar’s colleagues are Shivam Ramola, Shyam Singh, Arbind Kumar, Umesh Sharma.
Who is Munesh Kumar?

Munesh Kumar is a Manager, Front Office at Apple Hotels Pvt based in Nariman Point, Maharashtra. Previously, Munesh was a Front Office Assistant & Manager at Spree Hospitality and also held positions at Crimson Hotels, Treehouse Hotels Resorts and Serviced Apartments (Karma Hospitality., Lemon Tree Hotels, India, Sparrow Inn by MGB Hotels, Jaipur.... org.uk, Jaypee Hotels.Read More

Where is Munesh Kumar based?
Munesh Kumar works for Apple Hotels Pvt, located at India
See more information about Munesh Kumar

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