Muhammad Zeb

HR Coordinator at AMS International

Muhammad Zeb Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Muhammad Zeb

Muhammad Zeb is a HR Coordinator at AMS International based in Dubai, Dubai.Explore more

Muhammad Zeb Current Workplace

AMS International

2023-present (2 years)

AMS is a HR Services Provider with products that include Recruitment, Staffing, HR Consultancy, Sales Personnel Management and Payroll Solutions. Our consultants are experienced, well versed and passionate about providing high quality deliverables and measurable results. The advantage of having skilled personnel and a comprehensive scope of activities in each of these divisions means that clients are offered HR solutions designed specifically for their corporate culture with the singular aim of making their company structure more efficient and cost effective. AMS believes that in today's hi-tech world the needs of any company can change swiftly. It has therefore ensured an inbuilt upgrade flexibility that allows it to add new services when needed. Tell us how we can help you, and we'll set up your customised, cost-effective, and trouble-free HR solutions as early as yesterday.

Org Chart - AMS International


HR Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Muhammad Zeb

What company does Muhammad Zeb work for?
Muhammad Zeb works for AMS International as HR Coordinator
What is Muhammad Zeb’s role in AMS International?
Muhammad Zeb’s role in AMS International is HR Coordinator
What is Muhammad Zeb’s email address?
Muhammad Zeb’s email address is m***@ams-int.com
What is Muhammad Zeb’s business email address?
Muhammad Zeb’s business email address is m***@ams-int.com
What is Muhammad Zeb’s direct phone number?
Muhammad Zeb’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Muhammad Zeb’s work phone number?
Muhammad Zeb’s headquarters phone number is (404) 432-3707
Which industry does Muhammad Zeb work in?
Muhammad Zeb works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Muhammad Zeb’s peers at other companies?
Muhammad Zeb’s peers at other companies are Edna Love, Sara Smith, Shubhangi Jha, Paloma Jimenez, Holley Bassey.
Who are Muhammad Zeb’s colleagues?
Some of Muhammad Zeb’s colleagues are Shielita Ong, Mariela Troncoso, Athi Sheanakul, Josna Soorej.
How can I contact Muhammad Zeb?
Muhammad Zeb contact details: Email address: m***@ams-int.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Muhammad Zeb?

Muhammad Zeb is a HR Coordinator at AMS International based in Dubai, Dubai.... Read More

Where is Muhammad Zeb based?
Muhammad Zeb works for AMS International, located at United Arab Emirates
See more information about Muhammad Zeb

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