
Muhammad Waqas

Adminitraion at Cotton Web

Muhammad Waqas Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

+92 *** *******

Muhammad Waqas Current Workplace


Cotton Web


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Number of Employees

About Muhammad Waqas

Muhammad Waqas is an Adminitraion at Cotton Web based in Lahore, Punjab.Explore more

Muhammad Waqas Current Workplace

Cotton Web

2017-present (7 years)

Cotton web Ltd was established as an entrepreneurial venture among three friends in 1998, situated in Lahore, Pakistan. Started off as a small concern, today has grown into a multi-million $ company. With an amalgam of youth and experience team, Cotton Web is successfully delivering its product to various leading brands and labels across the fashion world. We at Cotton Web follow the motto of 'team effort'.Efforts are focused on objectivity and positive attitude. Owing to the nature of our product and varying requirements of the fashion arena, a comprehensive management information network is designed by employing a specialized hardware and software system. This not only helps the relevant information to float through smoothly to all levels of organization but also encourages a cleaner environment. Cotton Web provides full range of services to our valuable clients starting from initial design concepts & ideas up to final ready to wear garment at their doorstep.

Org Chart - Cotton Web






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Muhammad Waqas

What company does Muhammad Waqas work for?
Muhammad Waqas works for Cotton Web as Adminitraion
What is Muhammad Waqas’s role in Cotton Web?
Muhammad Waqas’s role in Cotton Web is Adminitraion
What is Muhammad Waqas’s email address?
Muhammad Waqas’s email address is m***@cottonweb.net
What is Muhammad Waqas’s business email address?
Muhammad Waqas’s business email address is m***@cottonweb.net
What is Muhammad Waqas’s direct phone number?
Muhammad Waqas’s direct phone number is +92 *** *******
What is Muhammad Waqas’s work phone number?
Muhammad Waqas’s headquarters phone number is +92 4235923248
Which industry does Muhammad Waqas work in?
Muhammad Waqas works in the industry of Textiles & Apparel, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing.
Who are Muhammad Waqas’s colleagues?
Some of Muhammad Waqas’s colleagues are Rana Sohail, Eesha Sohail, Muhammad ul Abidin, Muhammad Najam.
How can I contact Muhammad Waqas?
Muhammad Waqas contact details: Email address: m***@cottonweb.net Phone number: +92 *** *******
Who is Muhammad Waqas?

Muhammad Waqas is an Adminitraion at Cotton Web based in Lahore, Punjab.... Read More

Where is Muhammad Waqas based?
Muhammad Waqas works for Cotton Web, located at Pakistan
See more information about Muhammad Waqas

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