Muhammad Mudassar

Manager, Accounts Cit at Fauji Security Services Pvt

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Muhammad Mudassar Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Muhammad Mudassar

Muhammad Mudassar is a Manager, Accounts Cit at Fauji Security Services Pvt based in Rawalpindi G.P.O., Norhern Punajb Rawalpindi. Previously, Muhammad was a Senior Manager, Finance at VTT Global and also held positions at Safety & Security Services Pvt, Army Welfare Trust. Muhammad received a Master of Science degree from APCOMS and a Master of Project Management from Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology.Explore more

Muhammad Mudassar Current Workplace

Fauji Security Services Pvt

2021-present (4 years)

The Fauji Security Services (FSS) was established in July 1993, by employing ex-servicemen as security staff for various establishments under Fauji Foundation. Army Welfare Trust (AWT) has aquired ownership of FSS with effect from 27 Feb 2014. Right from its inception, FSS has focused on providing high quality security services to its clients and it has emerged as a reputable and trusted Security Company in Pakistan. The Company has a nationwide network to provide services. Being subsidiary of Army Welfare Trust and by virtue of its direct relationship with the Armed Forces, the Company is able to induct quality manpower retiring from Pakistan Army. Ministry of Interior has reposed confidence in FSS to impart security training to the personnel of other security companies of Pakistan. FSS is fully equiped to provide Total Security Solutions to protect life and property, prevent unauthorized access, detect explosives & narcotics, deter criminal acts & terrorist attacks and to provide staSee more

Muhammad Mudassar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Manager, Finance

VTT Global


Assistant Manager (Accounts & Finance)

Safety & Security Services Pvt


Accountant (TMC)

Army Welfare Trust




Master of Science - MS, Finance and Financial Management Services, 3.76


Master of Project Management - 3.68

Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology

Org Chart - Fauji Security Services Pvt


Manager, Accounts Cit




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Muhammad Mudassar

What company does Muhammad Mudassar work for?
Muhammad Mudassar works for Fauji Security Services Pvt as Manager, Accounts Cit
What is Muhammad Mudassar’s role in Fauji Security Services Pvt?
Muhammad Mudassar’s role in Fauji Security Services Pvt is Manager, Accounts Cit
What is Muhammad Mudassar’s direct phone number?
Muhammad Mudassar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Muhammad Mudassar’s work phone number?
Muhammad Mudassar’s headquarters phone number is +92 515146561
What is Muhammad Mudassar’s latest job experience?
Muhammad Mudassar’s latest job experience is Senior Manager, Finance at VTT Global
What is Muhammad Mudassar’s latest education?
Muhammad Mudassar’s latest education in Master of Science - MS, Finance and Financial Management Services, 3.76 at APCOMS
Which industry does Muhammad Mudassar work in?
Muhammad Mudassar works in the industry of Security Products & Services, Business Services.
Who are Muhammad Mudassar’s colleagues?
Some of Muhammad Mudassar’s colleagues are Faiza Zaidi, Major Malik, Atif Raja, Raja Hussain.
Who is Muhammad Mudassar?

Muhammad Mudassar is a Manager, Accounts Cit at Fauji Security Services Pvt based in Rawalpindi G.P.O., Norhern Punajb Rawalpindi. Previously, Muhammad was a Senior Manager, Finance at VTT Global and also held positions at Safety & Security Services Pvt, Army Welfare Trust. Muhammad received a Master of Science degree from APCOMS and a Master of... Project Management from Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology.Read More

Where is Muhammad Mudassar based?
Muhammad Mudassar works for Fauji Security Services Pvt, located at Pakistan
See more information about Muhammad Mudassar

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