Mostafa DesokyA

Mostafa Desoky

Chief Executive Officer at FlowTechTics

Mostafa Desoky Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Mostafa Desoky Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Mostafa Desoky Work Experience Summary

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About Mostafa Desoky

Mostafa Desoky is the CEO at Flowtechtics, based in Egypt. He is responsible for leading the company's strategic direction and operations. Prior to his current role, Mostafa was the Founder of Flowtechtics. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management from the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport.Explore more

Mostafa Desoky Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

Flowtechtics offers a range of innovative products and services designed to streamline business processes and optimize data flow. Their solutions cater to a wide variety of clients looking to enhance their digital capabilities. Targeting a diverse audience, Flowtechtics aims to provide cutting-edge technology solutions for businesses seeking to improve efficiency and productivity.

Mostafa Desoky Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


palma inn


Handling Operator



Custom and Clearance

All Target International


Call Agent

Perfect solution


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations




Org Chart - FlowTechTics

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mostafa Desoky

What company does Mostafa Desoky work for?
Mostafa Desoky works for FlowTechTics as Chief Executive Officer
What is Mostafa Desoky’s role in FlowTechTics?
Mostafa Desoky’s role in FlowTechTics is Chief Executive Officer
What is Mostafa Desoky’s email address?
Mostafa Desoky’s email address is m***
What is Mostafa Desoky’s business email address?
Mostafa Desoky’s business email address is m***
What is Mostafa Desoky’s direct phone number?
Mostafa Desoky’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mostafa Desoky’s work phone number?
Mostafa Desoky’s headquarters phone number is +20 1069251414
What is Mostafa Desoky’s latest job experience?
Mostafa Desoky’s latest job experience is Manager at palma inn
Which industry does Mostafa Desoky work in?
Mostafa Desoky works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Mostafa Desoky’s peers at other companies?
Mostafa Desoky’s peers at other companies are Brenda Reddy, Kevin Khiev, Anh Anh, Mike Jams, Zohar Pinhasi.
Who are Mostafa Desoky’s colleagues?
Some of Mostafa Desoky’s colleagues are Romany Mamdouh, Ghada Mohamed, Ahmed Yosri, Ahmed Essam.
How can I contact Mostafa Desoky?
Mostafa Desoky contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mostafa Desoky?

Mostafa Desoky is the CEO at Flowtechtics, based in Egypt. He is responsible for leading the company's strategic direction and operations. Prior to his current role, Mostafa was the Founder of Flowtechtics. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management from the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Tr... ansport.Read More

Where is Mostafa Desoky based?
Mostafa Desoky works for FlowTechTics, located at Egypt
Who is FlowTechTics’s Chief Executive Officer?
FlowTechTics's Chief Executive Officer is Mostafa Desoky
See more information about Mostafa Desoky

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