Monty Sellers

Vice President, Product Development & Customer Relations at Breakthrough Sales Performance

Monty Sellers Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(615) ***-****

Monty Sellers Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Monty Sellers Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Monty Sellers

Monty Sellers is a Vice President, Product Development & Customer Relations at Breakthrough Sales Performance based in Dublin, Ohio. Previously, Monty was a Chief Executive Officer & Owner at Golf Sellers Direct and also held positions at Whirlpool.Explore more

Monty Sellers Current Workplace

Breakthrough Sales Performance

2013-present (12 years)

Breakthrough has emerged as an authority on funnel management and effective sales processes. Cited with making significant, measurable and sustainable contributions to clients' business objectives, Breakthrough has impacted corporations around the world. Today, Breakthrough Sales Performance builds on its revolutionary Funnel Principle system to challenge sales leaders to confront their blindspots and embrace humility to connect with sales teams on a deeper level, leading to motivation, better sales results and higher retention of sales talent. Companies hire us to help them grow top line sales. We collaborate and help the client co-create their sales process. Our system focuses on creating/supporting the front line sales manager as leader and driver of the sales process. Established in 1997, Breakthrough Sales Performance's clients are mostly small to medium sized businesses with revenue from 25M to 250M, with leaders that are committed to a 6 month to one year program of using BreaktSee more

Monty Sellers Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Capital Project Planning



Chief Executive Officer & Owner

Golf Sellers Direct


Director, Air Control Business Planning



Org Chart - Breakthrough Sales Performance


Vice President, Product Development...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Monty Sellers

What company does Monty Sellers work for?
Monty Sellers works for Breakthrough Sales Performance as Vice President, Product Development & Customer Relations
What is Monty Sellers’s role in Breakthrough Sales Performance?
Monty Sellers’s role in Breakthrough Sales Performance is Vice President, Product Development & Customer Relations
What is Monty Sellers’s direct phone number?
Monty Sellers’s direct phone number is (615) ***-****
What is Monty Sellers’s work phone number?
Monty Sellers’s headquarters phone number is (614) 571-8267
What is Monty Sellers’s latest job experience?
Monty Sellers’s latest job experience is Director, Capital Project Planning at Whirlpool
Which industry does Monty Sellers work in?
Monty Sellers works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Monty Sellers’s colleagues?
Some of Monty Sellers’s colleagues are Mark Sellers.
Who is Monty Sellers?

Monty Sellers is a Vice President, Product Development & Customer Relations at Breakthrough Sales Performance based in Dublin, Ohio. Previously, Monty was a Chief Executive Officer & Owner at Golf Sellers Direct and also held positions at Whirlpool.... Read More

Where is Monty Sellers based?
Monty Sellers works for Breakthrough Sales Performance, located at United States
See more information about Monty Sellers

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