Monir Laaboud

Restaurant Supervisor at Al Siddiqi Holding

Monir Laaboud Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Monir Laaboud Current Workplace



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Monir Laaboud Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Monir Laaboud

Monir Laaboud is a Restaurant Supervisor at Al Siddiqi Holding based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah. Previously, Monir was an Assistant Manager at Mcdonald'S Kuwait.Explore more

Monir Laaboud Current Workplace

Al Siddiqi Holding

2024-present (4 months)

AlSiddiqi Holding is a multinational company established in Qatar by the prominent AlSiddiqi family. With its humble beginnings in Souq Waqif back in 1922, AlSiddiqi Holding has grown to become the strong business it is today, offering both home grown Qatari brands and international brands for the consumer's pleasure. Its presence is felt in nine countries across the GCC and MENA region through its numerous original brand outlets, retail stores, indoor theme parks, restaurants, and real estate projects. With its roots in the fashion industry, AlSiddiqi Holding has branched out to different sectors in order to satisfy its customer's demand for innovate and quality products. The company operates six divisions: AlSiddiqi Retail, AlSiddiqi Hospitality, AlSiddiqi Brands, AlSiddiqi Entertainment, AlSiddiqi Real Estate, and AlSiddiqi Industrial. AlSiddiqi Holding continues to preserve the Qatari traditions and heritage while penetrating new markets and expanding its influence across the globeSee more

Monir Laaboud Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Assistant Manager

Mcdonald'S Kuwait


Org Chart - Al Siddiqi Holding


Restaurant Supervisor




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Monir Laaboud

What company does Monir Laaboud work for?
Monir Laaboud works for Al Siddiqi Holding as Restaurant Supervisor
What is Monir Laaboud’s role in Al Siddiqi Holding?
Monir Laaboud’s role in Al Siddiqi Holding is Restaurant Supervisor
What is Monir Laaboud’s email address?
Monir Laaboud’s email address is m***
What is Monir Laaboud’s business email address?
Monir Laaboud’s business email address is m***
What is Monir Laaboud’s direct phone number?
Monir Laaboud’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Monir Laaboud’s work phone number?
Monir Laaboud’s headquarters phone number is +974 44663361
What is Monir Laaboud’s latest job experience?
Monir Laaboud’s latest job experience is Assistant Manager at Mcdonald'S Kuwait
Which industry does Monir Laaboud work in?
Monir Laaboud works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Monir Laaboud’s peers at other companies?
Monir Laaboud’s peers at other companies are Raras Wahyu, Akash Kandpal, Md Billah Siddique, Paksi Satria, Jesse Maslen.
Who are Monir Laaboud’s colleagues?
Some of Monir Laaboud’s colleagues are Hisham Alwahdani, Dhekra Antoul, Cynthia Khalife, Shaimaa Khaled.
How can I contact Monir Laaboud?
Monir Laaboud contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Monir Laaboud?

Monir Laaboud is a Restaurant Supervisor at Al Siddiqi Holding based in Doha, Baladiyat ad Dawhah. Previously, Monir was an Assistant Manager at Mcdonald'S Kuwait.... Read More

Where is Monir Laaboud based?
Monir Laaboud works for Al Siddiqi Holding, located at Qatar
See more information about Monir Laaboud

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