Monique AllenA

Monique Allen

Senior VP & Chief Information Officer, Canadian Technology & Enterprise Architecture at Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada

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(***) ***-****

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Monique Allen Work Experience Summary

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About Monique Allen

Monique is a business and technology leader who has more than 20 years of experience in financial technology. Prior to joining Sun Life, Monique was the CIO at OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension plans. Monique was previously the general manager for the Canadian region at Finastra, one of the world’s top financial technology companies. In this role, Monique transformed several software businesses, modernizing the digital lending experience and transforming the FinTech product journey in Canada. Prior to that she held global technology roles at HP and P&G. An advocate for leadership in equity, diversity and inclusion, Monique serves as a director on the boards of Hackergal, a not-for-profit organization that encourages coding for girls, Women in Capital Markets, and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. She is a founding member of CILAR, the Coalition of Innovation Leaders Against Racism. Her strengths in leadership and community involvement have been recognized by theRead more

Monique Allen Current Workplace

Sun Lifes roots run deep in Canada, where our company began more than 150 years ago. Our business started with the sale of insurance and has expanded to offer wealth solutions and customized health programs to our clients. Today we are an industry leader touching the lives of millions of individuals and thousands of companies across the country and many more millions of clients around the world.

Monique Allen Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Executive VP, Data & Technology



Senior Vice President





Bachelor degree - Science

University of Waterloo

Masters of Business Administration ( MBA )

Schulich School of Business
Rotman School of Business

Org Chart - Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada

Profile Picture

Senior VP & Chief Information Offic...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Monique Allen

What company does Monique Allen work for?
Monique Allen works for Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada as Senior VP & Chief Information Officer, Canadian Technology & Enterprise Architecture
What is Monique Allen’s role in Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada?
Monique Allen’s role in Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is Senior VP & Chief Information Officer, Canadian Technology & Enterprise Architecture
What is Monique Allen’s email address?
Monique Allen’s email address is m***
What is Monique Allen’s business email address?
Monique Allen’s business email address is m***
What is Monique Allen’s direct phone number?
Monique Allen’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Monique Allen’s work phone number?
Monique Allen’s headquarters phone number is (780) 408-5480
What is Monique Allen’s latest job experience?
Monique Allen’s latest job experience is Executive VP, Data & Technology at OMERS
What is Monique Allen’s latest education?
Monique Allen’s latest education in Bachelor degree - Science at University of Waterloo
Which industry does Monique Allen work in?
Monique Allen works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Monique Allen’s colleagues?
Some of Monique Allen’s colleagues are Cristina Panganiban, Vandna Sohnvi, John Hill, Alyssa Han.
How can I contact Monique Allen?
Monique Allen contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Monique Allen?

Monique is a business and technology leader who has more than 20 years of experience in financial technology. Prior to joining Sun Life, Monique was the CIO at OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension plans. Monique was previously the general manager for the Canadian region at Finastra, one of the world’s top financial technology companies. In this... role, Monique transformed several software businesses, modernizing the digital lending experience and transforming the FinTech product journey in Canada. Prior to that she held global technology roles at HP and P&G. An advocate for leadership in equity, diversity and inclusion, Monique serves as a director on the boards of Hackergal, a not-for-profit organization that encourages coding for girls, Women in Capital Markets, and Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. She is a founding member of CILAR, the Coalition of Innovation Leaders Against Racism. Her strengths in leadership and community involvement have been recognized by the Women in IT Awards Canada with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Monique is a contributing author to The Collective Wisdom of High Performing Women. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Waterloo, and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University. She is an avid runner, cyclist, and musician; hobbies she shares with her husband and stepchildren.Read More

Where is Monique Allen based?
Monique Allen works for Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, located at Canada
Who is Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada’s Senior VP & Chief Information Officer, Canadian Technology & Enterprise Architecture?
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada's Senior VP & Chief Information Officer, Canadian Technology & Enterprise Architecture is Monique Allen
See more information about Monique Allen

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