2024-present (6 months)
Monica Acan Email & Phone number
Monica Acan Current Workplace
Q69x+pjf, Gulu,Uganda
+256 790915167
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Monica Acan Work Experience Summary
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3About Monica Acan
Monica Acan works as a Medical Biller at St Mary's Hospital Lacor, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 805 employees. Monica is currently based in Gulu, Northern Region. They used to work at gulu churchill courts hotel ltd and Gulu churchill courts hotel Ltd. Found email listings include: m***@lacorhospital.org.Explore more
Monica Acan Current Workplace
St Mary's Hospital Lacor
Lacor Hospital is a private, non-profit Ugandan hospital, whose mission is to guarantee affordable medical services in particular to the most needy. Founded in 1959 by the Comboni Missionaries for the Gulu Catholic Diocese, after 1961 it was managed and developed by a husband and wife team Drs Piero Corti (an Italian paediatrician) and Lucille Teasdale Corti (a Canadian surgeon) up until their deaths: Lucille in 1996 of professionally acquired AIDS and Piero in 2003. A major hospital - with 482 beds and 3 peripheral health centres (24 beds each) Lacor Hospital is a major, referral level hospital offering a vast range of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive medicine services. Over 250,000 patients are treated annually. Children five years and below make up 32% of the total attendance, pregnant mothers make up 13%. An extended and integrated approach to health care - Lacor Hospital is fully integrated into the Uganda National Strategic Health plan and adheres to the principle of compleSee more
Monica Acan Work Experience & Education
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3Work Experience
Chief Cashier
gulu churchill courts hotel ltd2015-
Gulu churchill courts hotel Ltd2012-
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