
Molly Coomber

Associate at Kelley & Farren

Molly Coomber Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Molly Coomber Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Molly Coomber Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Molly Coomber

Molly Coomber is an Associate at Kelley & Farren based in San Rafael, California. Previously, Molly was an Owner and Professional Organizer at MDC Organizing and also held positions at Heller Ehrman. Molly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, Berkeley and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of San Francisco School of Law.

Molly Coomber Current Workplace

Kelley & Farren

2016-present (8 years)

Kelley Farren, LLP specializes in estate planning, offering a range of services including the creation of estate plans, updating existing plans, and administering trusts and estates. With decades of experience, the firm provides personalized advice tailored to the specific needs of its clients. Their expertise in trust and estate matters ensures comprehensive support throughout the estate planning process. The intended clientele includes individuals seeking assistance with their estate planning and management.

Molly Coomber Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Owner and Professional Organizer

MDC Organizing



Law Offices of Molly Coomber


Owner and Professional Organizer

MDC Organizing


Contract Associate & Attorney

Heller Ehrman




Bachelor of Arts - Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Doctor of Jurisprudence

University of San Francisco School of Law


University of California, Riverside, Extension

Org Chart - Kelley & Farren

Molly Coomber


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Molly Coomber

What company does Molly Coomber work for?
Molly Coomber works for Kelley & Farren as Associate
What is Molly Coomber’s role in Kelley & Farren?
Molly Coomber’s role in Kelley & Farren is Associate
What is Molly Coomber’s email address?
Molly Coomber’s email address is m***@kelleyfarren.com
What is Molly Coomber’s business email address?
Molly Coomber’s business email address is m***@kelleyfarren.com
What is Molly Coomber’s direct phone number?
Molly Coomber’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Molly Coomber’s work phone number?
Molly Coomber’s headquarters phone number is (415) 925-5200
What is Molly Coomber’s latest job experience?
Molly Coomber’s latest job experience is Owner and Professional Organizer at MDC Organizing
What is Molly Coomber’s latest education?
Molly Coomber’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Economics at University of California, Berkeley
Which industry does Molly Coomber work in?
Molly Coomber works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Molly Coomber’s peers at other companies?
Molly Coomber’s peers at other companies are Mary Hagedorn, Shubhangi Zite, Sania Eydatoulah, Gwendolyn Toczko, Alexander Cohn.
Who are Molly Coomber’s colleagues?
Some of Molly Coomber’s colleagues are Colin Kelley, Lisa Fialco, Christine Hoburg, Eileen Blossman.
How can I contact Molly Coomber?
Molly Coomber contact details: Email address: m***@kelleyfarren.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Molly Coomber?

Molly Coomber is an Associate at Kelley & Farren based in San Rafael, California. Previously, Molly was an Owner and Professional Organizer at MDC Organizing and also held positions at Heller Ehrman. Molly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, Berkeley and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of San Francisco Scho... ol of Law.

Where is Molly Coomber based?
Molly Coomber works for Kelley & Farren, located at United States