2016-present (8 years)
Molly Coomber Email & Phone number
Molly Coomber Current Workplace
1099 E St, San Rafael, California, 94901, United States
Phone Number
(415) 925-5200
Number of Employees
Molly Coomber Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
4About Molly Coomber
Molly Coomber is an Associate at Kelley & Farren based in San Rafael, California.
Previously, Molly was an Owner and Professional Organizer at MDC Organizing and also held positions at Heller Ehrman.
Molly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, Berkeley and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of San Francisco School of Law.
Molly Coomber Current Workplace
Kelley & Farren
Kelley Farren, LLP specializes in estate planning, offering a range of services including the creation of estate plans, updating existing plans, and administering trusts and estates. With decades of experience, the firm provides personalized advice tailored to the specific needs of its clients. Their expertise in trust and estate matters ensures comprehensive support throughout the estate planning process. The intended clientele includes individuals seeking assistance with their estate planning and management.
Molly Coomber Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
Bachelor of Arts - Economics
University of California, BerkeleyDoctor of Jurisprudence
University of San Francisco School of LawCertificate
University of California, Riverside, ExtensionRecent News About Molly Coomber
Attorneys & Staff of Kelley & Farren, LLP ::: Estate Planning, Probate Law & Trust Law Attorneys
Molly Coomber Molly is an associate in the firm. She has a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley and a law degree from the University o...The Marin Lawyer | January 2019
Molly Coomber Kelley & Farren LLP
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Molly Coomber
Molly Coomber is an Associate at Kelley & Farren based in San Rafael, California. Previously, Molly was an Owner and Professional Organizer at MDC Organizing and also held positions at Heller Ehrman. Molly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, Berkeley and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of San Francisco Scho...