
Moliehi Borotho

Audit Assistant at Moores Rowland

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Moliehi Borotho Current Workplace



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About Moliehi Borotho

Moliehi Borotho is an Audit Assistant at Moores Rowland based in Denpasar, Bali.Explore more

Moliehi Borotho Current Workplace

Moores Rowland

2023-present (2 years)

Moores Rowland was established in 1991, since that time the firm has grown to be one of the top audit, outsourcing, tax, legal and advisory services providers in Indonesia with offices in Jakarta and Bali. Moores Rowland employs 450 highly skilled and dedicated professionals serving a wide range of multi-sector clients consisting of large Indonesian companies, SMEs and subsidiaries of large international groups and NGOs, government organizations, bilateral and multilateral aid agencies. With nationals from Indonesia, the United States, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Japan, India, Canada and the Philippines, our team of highly qualified professionals is representative of the Moores Rowland's melting pot, which fits perfectly with the Indonesian cultural diversity. We value long-term business and personal relationships and strive to strengthen them through each new assignment. We can draw from Praxity's Alliance offering a wealth of advantages, particularly to companies aiminSee more

Org Chart - Moores Rowland


Audit Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Moliehi Borotho

What company does Moliehi Borotho work for?
Moliehi Borotho works for Moores Rowland as Audit Assistant
What is Moliehi Borotho’s role in Moores Rowland?
Moliehi Borotho’s role in Moores Rowland is Audit Assistant
What is Moliehi Borotho’s email address?
Moliehi Borotho’s email address is b***@mooresrowland.co.ls
What is Moliehi Borotho’s business email address?
Moliehi Borotho’s business email address is b***@mooresrowland.co.ls
What is Moliehi Borotho’s direct phone number?
Moliehi Borotho’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Moliehi Borotho’s work phone number?
Moliehi Borotho’s headquarters phone number is +62 3618477313
Which industry does Moliehi Borotho work in?
Moliehi Borotho works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Moliehi Borotho’s peers at other companies?
Moliehi Borotho’s peers at other companies are Grace Oliveros, Ashwini Mandra, Urvashi Gupta, Cyril Felix, Saad Ali.
Who are Moliehi Borotho’s colleagues?
Some of Moliehi Borotho’s colleagues are Puji Saraswati, Nur Amalia, Nyuk Thian, Trisna Simanjuntak.
How can I contact Moliehi Borotho?
Moliehi Borotho contact details: Email address: b***@mooresrowland.co.ls Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Moliehi Borotho?

Moliehi Borotho is an Audit Assistant at Moores Rowland based in Denpasar, Bali.... Read More

Where is Moliehi Borotho based?
Moliehi Borotho works for Moores Rowland, located at Indonesia
See more information about Moliehi Borotho

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